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That sounds an awful lot like something Fayen had told Charles some weeks ago. It was great advice but Fayen isn't the best at taking it for herself. Giving, she has no problems with but accepting advice herself is not her strong suite. She hums uncommitted and Kelly laughs. "You will know when it is the right time." She looks around the room with searching eyes and Fayen knows she is looking for the answer to the question 'who'. When she comes up empty she asks straight. "But I am a curious woman, do I know them?"

As if the universe is working against her at exactly that moment a familiar head of brown hair appears around the corner out of the hallway. Fayen's brain errors. The oxygen flow to her head is cut off as she stops breathing when Charles enters her field of vision.

And god he is a vision. White jeans with a light blue shirt that is open at the top. The sleeves are rolled up, displaying the various bracelets he always wears and on his hands two silver rings. Fayen feels her heartbeat in her throat as she looks up to meet his mossy green eyes that are focused solely on her. She feels her knees starting to give out and her face flush with the lack of oxygen and the fourth glass of wine she had downed unknowingly.

"The door was open, I just followed the music." His hand goes through his hair, resting on his neck and Fayen just- no. He can't do that right now, nervous habit or not but he doesn't get to stride back into her life like he hasn't been MIA for the last two weeks. "Happy birthday, Fayen."

It comes out in a rush and before Fayen knows what is going on he has wrapped her in a hug. It is over as fast as it came and he exits the kitchen like there is a fire behind him. Only when he has his back turned and has joined the trio of drivers by in the corner does Fayen's lungs start working again.

The air is a welcome respite to her deflated brain and blood starts circulating through her in the right way again. This unlocks her anger. Her eyes go wide and she turns to look at Grace, and Kelly who is watching with a smirk hidden behind her glass. She opens her mouth as if she wants to say something but no words come out.

She turns back to where Charles is standing. His stance is a little rigid and his cheeks are red but otherwise, he looks unbothered. With a huff, she turns back to Grace and finds some form of speech. "Is he serious?"

Grace can't hold herself together anymore and lets out a high laugh. When Fayen glares at her she claps her hand over her mouth but the damage is done and Fayen feels eyes burn through the side of her head. The pull is the strong and she can't stop herself from turning.

Grey meets green and both Fayen find a thousand unspoken words in his eyes. Her cheeks flush even more and Charles seems to heat up as well as he looks away quickly at the same time as Fayen also turns back with an expression of utter confusion.

"Well," Kelly spurts, trying to keep her voice steady. She barely succeeds. "I don't need to ask who you were talking about anymore."

"He just-" Fayen rubs her face with her free hand and shakes it afterwards. "Ugh!" She can't form logical sentences and goes to take a sip from her wine but finds it empty. Oh, right, she downed that in panic. She opens the fridge for a refill. When she opens it she sees the multiple beer bottles stacked on top of each other. This is ridiculous. Fayen feels the anger boil in her, it flows through her veins in hot flames and it makes her irrational. "Grace, help."

"The guestroom?" She suggests sheepishly. Fayen turns her head still leaning on the open fridge door. Her eyes are thunder. "Sorry, no, bad idea," Grace corrects quickly not able to hold her laugh. "You can take the balcony though?"

Grace her flat is on the corner of the building and the bedroom joined balcony is on the other side than the one off the living room. It'll have to do. Without answering she grabs the wine bottle to refill her glass and when she goes to put it back she hesitates for one second before grabbing a bottle and slamming the door shut.

Misery | Charles Leclerc [Abandoned]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt