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"I need someone to find me a dress for tonight and you are the perfect person, please say you are already in the city?" Grace's voice is in full stress mode as she picks up the phone when Fayen calls her. She had six missed calls and multiple texts from her friend when she got off the plane in Nice.

"I just landed in Nice, so it will be about half an hour. Do you want me to come to you?" Grace squeaks through the phone. "Yes please, then we can go get lunch and after find me something. I'm at home so see you in a bit." The line was already broken before Fayen could respond.

She smiles as she puts her phone away being thankful to have a person like Grace in her life. It was nice to have a friend who breathes spontaneity. Grace was the kind of person who would take a flight to Paris, only to hang out with her friend for a couple of hours. It was the opposite to Fayen, who had 3 dairy's and two phones to track all of her appointments to the minute, but weirdly enough the two clicked immediately when they met years ago in Paris.

Grace had been shooting a commercial for a brand represented by the firm Fayen was interning for. The Monegasque had a problem with the dress she was supposed to wear and in a saviour moment Fayen had fixed it. Grace had said she was forever in her debt as it was one of her first big deals. Fayen was equally in debt to her as it was her very first project about to go completely wrong. After the two had hung out multiple times and maintained an intimate friendship over the years. Grace had grown a big following and Fayen had made a name for herself in the luxury world.

About forty-five minutes later Fayen is pushing the button for the apartment of her friend in Monaco-Ville. The door swings open with great force and a distressed Grace comes into view. Even though Fayen has been to her home multiple times she is always surprised by the mess her friend lives in. Even in the entrance, you are immediately greeted by multiple shoes, not all having a counterpart, coats of the rack and items of clothing that don't belong there.

Fayen carefully steps over the stuff laying around to greet Grace. "No stress, I'm here," she tells her with a soothing hug. "Did you go through everything in your wardrobe?" Fayen points to the clothes lying in the hall and coming from her room. "Yeah, she was uncontrollable." The male voice coming from the living room was another surprise for Fayen. She walks further to greet Lando. She finds him launching on the couch with his phone while surrounded by a couple of dresses and a lost high-heel.

"Hi there," he smiles at Fayen, before getting up to greet her with a hug. She hadn't seen the Brit since their departure from Australia, but when she talked to Grace on facetime Lando had been in the background quite a lot. "Nice to see you again."

"You couldn't stop this raging tornado?" Fayen asks as she lets herself fall on the couch next to where Lando sits down again. "I don't even try. Made that mistake once, never again," he laughs and moves one of the dresses so he can rest his arm on the side of the couch.

"I literally called you to help, but you just tell me everything is 'good' and 'beautiful'." Grace yells from the kitchen. The air quotes are audible in her voice. "Yeah, because everything looks good on you, babe." Lando yells back. Grace comes around the corner with three glasses of water and smiles at her boyfriend with a sarcastic undertone. "Thank you love, but that isn't very helpful."

"I tried," Lando defends, looking back at Fayen and the two laugh when Grace makes a pouting face. "I am here to help her now, don't worry. And that's a good thing because you are not wearing this," She pulls a shiny piece of fabric from underneath her and holds it up to the other two. "To a fundraiser." Grace snatches the fabric from her friends hand with a red head. "I wasn't planning on it." Another round of laughter fills the room and Fayen and Lando seem to find common ground in teasing Grace.

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