Tired? - Enzo Berkshire

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You had noticed, Theo had noticed, Blaise had noticed. But you weren't sure if Enzo had noticed himself nodding off in Herbology. While the other boys had Potions you, Enzo, Theo, and Blaise had Herbology.

Professor Sprout was explaining what you were doing and was giving an example, everyone sat with little Bubotuber plants infront of them, Bubotuber is a plant that produces pus-filled boils that can also be used as acne treatment. It was rank, but quite easy.

Enzo sat beside you, as your partner, as per usual. Only this time his chin rested in his hand and his eyes were shut. No he wasn't helping, he was sleeping.

It was funny, if he wasn't such a dick in person you would have thought he look adorable in his sleep, almost peaceful. His hair was a mess, his tie was all messed up, and the grey jacket he wore, instead of his robes, fell half off his shoulders.

Smacking Blaises shoulder from the desk beside you, you got his attention. Now, it's important to know, that actually you were not infact friends with any of Enzo's friends, more like people you've met for a brief second but never spoken to, except Blaise, he was an acception, your parents know eachother.

"What?" Blaise rolled his eyes looking over to you. You faked being offended before pointing to Enzo who was still beside you. Theo laughed looking over your shoulder. "Draw something on his face." He suggested yelling out a pen.

"What? No." You screwed your face up slightly. Turning back to face Enzo again you sighed.

You rolled your eyes and pushed his shoulder causing Enzo to yelp and hold his hands out as if he was shielding himself. "Woah, woah." You also held your hands up surrendering to a panicked Enzo.

He grumbled an insult before looking down to the disgusting, but useful, plant infront of him. "What..., is that?" He poked the plant and it moved causing you both to duck as yellow moister flew out hitting the back of Weasleys robe. He had no idea and carried on talking to Granger.

A snicker left your mouth, the sun shining right in your faces through the window. Rubbing his eyes Enzo opened his notebook and started reading. His words became more slurred and his head fell onto your shoulder, that was it. He was out, no one could wake him up.

After class you were able to convince Blaise to carry Enzo up to your dorm as you couldn't. He was laying in your bed, holding one of the pillows and had one leg under the duvet.

Grumbling you took the pillow and replaced it with a small whale plushie the same size, which he happily traded still asleep. You moved to the end of the bed and took both his shoes off.

You gently woke Enzo up by running your hand through his hair. "Huh?"

Giggling you sighed and told him to get changed. He did, into joggers and a compression t shirt, claiming it was comfy. You told him to take the tight shirt off and he held his arms up.

Pulling the shirt over his head you put it on the chair before getting changed yourself, red plaited joggers, and a hoodie. Jumping into bed Enzo wrapped him arms around you and hid his head in your neck, his hands up your hoodie tracing circles on your back.

"Thats what you get for watching The Nun alone." You muttered.

"Shut up"


Short but idc I wanna sleep I treasure sleep

Slytherin boys / one shots ///Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum