Broken Ties

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The hospital room was filled with an oppressive silence. Sarah lay in the bed, her face pale and her eyes hollow, surrounded by the heavy weight of her parents' concern. The air itself seemed to hold its breath as they waited for news from the doctor.

When the doctor finally entered, his face grave, the room seemed to grow even colder. He cleared his throat, choosing his words carefully. "Sarah, I want to assure you that you're now out of danger. You're going to be okay."

Sarah's parents let out a collective sigh of relief, but their relief was short-lived. The doctor continued, his tone somber, "I'm afraid I have to tell you that... the baby didn't make it."

A hushed gasp filled the room. Sarah's face contorted in shock, her body trembling. "No... no, that can't be true," she whispered, tears streaming down her face.

She began to cry out, her sobs filling the room. "It's Emma's fault! She did this! Daniel will leave me now, he'll leave me for good!

He should never know that... that he's not the father of the child I've been carrying all this time. He can't find out! He can't know!""

In her pain and anguish, Sarah's words tumbled out, revealing a shocking truth. Her parents listened in stunned silence, struggling to comprehend the extent of her actions.

Meanwhile, just outside the door, Daniel stood, his fists clenched, his face a mask of fury. He heard every word, each revelation stabbing him like a dagger. He could hardly believe the depth of Sarah's deceit.

When Sarah finished her outburst, she looked up, through the door she could see Daniel, her eyes desperate. "Daniel, please, you have to understand..."

But he cut her off, his voice cold and unyielding. "Understand? There's nothing to understand, Sarah. You've lied to me from the very beginning."

Sarah's pleas turned to desperate begging, but Daniel was resolute. He spoke with a voice of finality. "I want a divorce."

Sarah's expression contorted, rage replacing her previous desperation. "You won't leave me! You can't!"

She advanced toward him, her anger fueling her, but Daniel, though seething, managed to restrain himself from hurting her. He turned away and left the room, leaving Sarah on the floor, her cries echoing in the empty space.

Her parents watched, hearts heavy with disappointment and sorrow. They knew that their daughter had made grave mistakes, but they also knew that she was their daughter, and they would stand by her, even in her darkest hours.

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