Arranged Marriage - Tom Riddle

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You had gotten a new tattoo. A snake, down your spine. It was beautiful and suited you so well. Tom was yet to know about it as he was on anual leave.

He always had the first week of November off, no one knew or cared to ask why. You knew why, it was because he didnt want to be bothered or asked to try out for the quidditch team, or asked to tutor some random 1st year, anything a 6th year would be asked to do.

But this time Tom had no idea you also took the time off and went back to the muggle world to get your new tattoo aswell as to visit your grandparents. Coming back Hogwarts on Monday, you knew Tom would be back on Tuesday just to make sure he wasn't bothered by any professors.

Walking through the halls you had your uniform on, the short skirt, a long sleeve white button up with the top two buttons undone on the hot summers day, your green tie hung losely around your shoulders, untied. You held the grey blaser in your hand as you walked down the hall a quill stuck in your skirt, the only peice of equiptment you needed.

You held a journal in your right hand, your free hand. It was similar to Tom's but had your name, and silver metals instead of gold. You had potions and decided to be late as usual. Walking in all eyes were on you, confused and shocked.

They thought that because Tom was gone you'd be back at the same time. You rolled your eyes and took a seat giving a dirty look to some random Ravenclaws who stared at you.

You took a seat next to Luna, she smiled at you before turning back to the front to listen to professor Snape ramble about potions. This was the first Potions class of the year for your year so he went over the rules again, just incase there was any new comers this year.

Class flew by quick and you ended up with your hand covered in doodles from Luna after you let her doodle on your hand, as the good best friend you were.

There was two people you didn't mind in the entire school. Luna and Neville. Though you have a cold heart much like Tom's you have a soft spot for both of them. Tom on the other hand.

You couldn't stand the man, yes, you were married. He was your husband. But you hated his guts, plus you have both definitely cheated on eachother more then once. The marriage was arranged by your father and Tom's just before your's kicked the bucket. They still went through with it while your grandparents took you in.

You married for 'fame' and Tom was put into marriage for the money. Your family was rather wealthy, in fact more wealthier then the Riddles and Malfoys combined. Now you sat in the green house, next to Luna while Neville watered his plants.

It was lunch and you had already skipped all lessons except potions. While you ate Luna rambled about her day.


Come the end of the day you made your way up to your shared dorm you have with Tom. Normaly you'd stay in Luna's room in her spare bed, but you were tired and the one you shared was closest.

As you walk in you were right, Tom was there, but so was a girl. They were 100% mid fuck but you still walked in. "Pack up your shit. You best be gone when I get out the bathroom bitch. Hope you had fun." You smiled and waved sarcasticly to the girl as she scoffed spotting the ring on Tom's finger.

You ignored Tom's groan, and complaint about not knocking, before going into the bathroom to get take your braided hair out. As if privacy didn't exsist Tom walked in. "Move. I need a piss." He mumbled causing you to roll your eyes and step aside so he could walk in.

"Ahh fuck." You mumbled remebering your pyjama shirt was in the wash. Glancing over Tom raised his eyebrows moving to wash his hands. "I don't have a shirt to sleep in." You explained for his curious look causing him to shake his head with a shrug, mumbling about it not being his problem while walking out.

Yours and Tom's marriage started out with argueing and shouting at eachother all the time, but it's now relaxed into a more 'you don't exsist to me' kind of thing.

Searching through your dresser you huffed not finding a shirt so you just decided to snatch one of Tom's, besides, what was he gunna do? You literally just caught him mid fuck with some random girl. Swivling around on your heals you faced away and took your shirt off as well as your bra. Pulling the shirt over your head there was a grumble from behind you.

"That's mine."

You gasped with sarcasm turning around with your hand covering your mouth. "No way!" You gasped your voice dripping with sass. You rolled your eyes and layed down on your front hugging a pillow.

Completely ignoring you Tom lifted your shirt and hummed seeing the new tattoo. "Cute." He snickered teasingly. Mimicing his words you huffed and pulled your shirt back down. "It's so Mattheo has something to look at while he fucks me from behind." You answered just to piss him off.

"I beg your fucking pardon?"

An erouption of laughs left your mouth, sweet innocent giggles, not boisterous or loud. A childish giggle.

Tom wacked you with a pillow twice on the head. "Your not funny." He grumbled barely moving as you kicked him back, he kept the harsh glare on his face, no emotions shown.

Pulling a hoodie on you both walked down for dinner going seperate ways in the hall. You sat nest to Neville while Luna sat infront of you. Like usual you ate half a plate and drank atleast 2 glasses of water.

Dinner ended and you were quick to get back to your dorm and jump into bed. "Move over." You did and Tom slid into the bed next to you.

Before you could fall asleep Tom started complaining about you being annoying and saying things to purely piss him off. You huffed and got up going to just go to Luna's dorm but before you could you were pulled back down and slamed into the headboard.

"Tom!" You coughed and went to get back up. On the way to the exit, a blue tie caught your attention.

"Oh and by the way, Cho Chang? Are you serious? Do better!" You scoffed going to kick the dresser.

It was these type of arguements that occured during the first 2 months of the marriage, now its 7 months later. After a while it resluted in a broken draw on Tom's dresser and the headboard cracking the wall as you slamed Tom into it out of anger.

In a result it ended in you standing up and Tom being sat down on edge of the bed shouting about how neither of you wanted to be married at 16. Now you are almost 17 being one of the youngest in your year and Tom is 17 being one of the oldest.

"Yeah! Well unfortunatly you are, and there is nothing EITHER of us can do about it!!" Tom shouted back at you.

And in that moment you simply broke down, crumbled. You legs gave out and you sat on the floor balling your eyes out. This wasnt how you want to live your life, stuck in a stupid marriage at 17.

Tom paused, puzzled on what was going on. You wouldn't admit it but you did love Tom, but you weren't sure he loved you back. Hesitently kneeling down beside you Tom placed his hand on your back.

You leant into his chest and he traced the new tattoo on your back, while you slithered your arms round his torso, sobbing into his chest.

After a few minutes Tom whispered about how he'd make things better, he vowed to make sure you were happy.

With a crooked smile Tom kissed the top of your head causing a laugh to leave your mouth. "We'll work on it." You nodded standing up offering Tom a hand which he accepted.

"I'm not being all affectionate in public though." Tom added as you both layed down, your head in the crook of his neck while his arms held you in a protective manor.

In the morning you woke up to a large boquet of roses and a beautiful silver necklace, with a little silver snake on it.


Some random kid walked past me and said kys braided bitch

First one and I alr wanna delte it but oh well

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