Two Become One

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"Are you ready" Elijah asked his son as he fixed his tie

Today was the big day for Jay and Isaac, as it was their wedding day. Though it was ritual for the groom and the groom to not see each the day before and the hours before the wedding starts, Jay felt that he needed Isaac to feel better after his melt down yesterday

"I better be" Jay smilied, but the smile fell short

"I heard about what happened two days ago" Elijah said

Jay's smile completely disappeared. He had been trying to forget about his mother's death, but he was sure to involve her in the wedding. Last night, Isaac came up with the plan of leaving a seat out for Lily so that it would feel like she was there

"I don't even know what came over me- it just clicked to me that she is no longer here"

"How did you handled it" Jay asked his father

Elijah smiled a little while he set his son's tie right. He remembered Soy's words about how he acted after Lily died. He didn't in any way handle it well. He viewed himself as aweak person

"Knock-knock" someone said as they knocked on door of the room Jay was getting ready

"Come in" Jay said

Beauty and Soy walked in with a smile on their face

"Aunt, uncle"

"My baby is getting married" Beauty went in for a hug

"Thank you for being here"

"Of course we are here" Soy and Elijah hugged each other

"I am so grateful you are here" Jay saw Beauty as his second mother and the perfect person to walk his down the aisle

Jay kept his smile going, but the perfect smile began to crack. His eyes became red and he was crying

"What is going on" Beauty began to panic

"Lily" Elijah said

"Oh- it's okay" Beauty held Jay "She fought so hard to see a day for at least one of you"

"She wanted this so bad"

"I miss her- I need her" Jay felt he couldn't breathe in his white, perfect suit. He looked for a place to seat and Soy pulled the chair closer to him

"I know" Beauty kept the hug intact

Jay held on to Beauty for his life. He buried his face into her clothes and he felt he could breathe even though his nose was closed

"She is always here for you"

"I hated the world after she die, I hated everything" Elijah was answering his son's earlier question

"I wanted to be with her no matter what" Elijah took a little bit of time to continue as he began to cry

Beauty and Soy remembered that the last time that they saw Elijah crying was during Lily's funeral. No one could tell him that "everything was going to be okay", or "everything happens for a reason." All he wanted at the time was for Lily to be in his arms again

"But then, you kids helped me bounce back. You were patient with me and you took care of yourself while also grieving. When I saw that, I knew that I had to shape up for you all. You had already lost one parent, I couldn't allow you to lose another one"

"So I came to terms with her death and helped myself to help you all"

Beauty broke the hug with Jay and Elijah held him. Jay is always proud of his father even when he couldn't take care of them. He saw him as his role model and was forever grateful for him

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