It's a Party

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"If I could get everybody's attention" the announcer said

Everybody stopped talking and turned their attention to him

"This ceremony is about to start and that means sit down"

"Why can I hear Faye talking through him" Team asked

"Because they seem to have the same attitude" Sara said

"This ceremony is to celebrate the beginning of the adulthood of a very beautiful woman"

"A kind hearted, wise and pretty woman"

"Isn't he sugar coating it a little bit" Jay asked

Team and Will laughed

"Now presenting a very special dance"

The spotlight shone on the entrance door

As it opened, the first couple came out

Manaow and Pruk

"What the" Team didn't know what was going on

Next was Dean and Pharm

"What is this" Team asked Jazmane

Jazmane shushed him

Tristen and Tina

Eena and Kevin

And finally, Loyal and a cute little girl

"Who is that" Team asked

"Be quiet" Will said

All the couple came in with the hands and elbows connected

The music stopped and a slow and beautiful melody started playing

All the couples started to dance in sync

"Isn't this too much" Team asked

"If you step on my feet, I will kill you" Tina said

"You were the one messing up during rehearsal" Tristen said

"Isn't this beautiful" the announcer asked

The music stopped again and the couples stopped dancing

The audience clapped for them

"It is my honor to present the woman of the hour, Faye Evelyn Yosirithin"

For some reason, everyone stood up and turned their gaze to the door once again

Faye walked in looking so beautiful. She was wearing a body fit fading blue dress

Faye smiled as she walked to the center of the ballroom

Everyone stood still and was clapping, they were mesmerized by her beauty

The announcer gave her the mic since she had something to say

"Thank you, thank you very much"

"I didn't expect for it to turn out like this, more beautiful than I had anticipated for"

"Each of everyone one of you are here not only to celebrate my 21st birthday with me, but also to know that you are very special to me"

"I have dreamt of this day and have always wondered who would be there and who wouldn't"

"And now, my question have been answers, thank you all for being here"

"You are all my friends and family"

Everybody clapped

"Next, we have the mother of the Faye who would like to say something" the announcer said

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