Success is not linear

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The day for the patients last treatment finally arrived. The team still made sure to inform the patient of the procedure and discussed every detail necessary. Soon after, they had finished the procedure.

The patient then said while crying tears of joy, "Thank you so much for giving me my smile back! I feel so much more confident and this would not have been possible without all of you." 

As she continued to thank them, the team looked at each other with joy and smiles. 

From short teeth with uneven gingival margins, anterior diastema, high lip line, and generalized gingival pigmentation, the team was able to provide proper treatment thus succeeding in providing the patient with better esthetics. 

The interdisciplinary treatment plan included orthodontic therapy, periodontal surgery, and restorative rehabilitation as well as a strictly supervised oral hygiene program. Without the collaboration of each dental specialist and the cooperation of the patient, this treatment would not have been a success. However, because collaboration and cooperation were done throughout the whole process it resulted in patient satisfaction and a desirable smile.

Jasmine thanked the team, "Thank you so much everyone for taking this case with me. It wouldn't have been possible with your guys help."

Matthew jokingly said, "You could have done it A-L-O-N-E."

We laughed as Xyla added, "You could have done it in your sleep."

As they continued to share that moment of success and happiness, Eliesha talked to Andrew, "Hey, thanks for coming along to do this case with me. I know you still had things to do in the clinic we were working in."

Andrew smiled, "Anytime, anywhere. For you."

Eliesha felt butterflies, but brushed off that feeling, "Anyway, there's a conference next month if you want to come? We could put it in the calendar since our appointments in our clinic is full for this month."

"Yeah, that would be great." Andrew replied.

Jasmine then inserted herself in their conversation, "So, Andrew? Thanks for agreeing to Eliesha's request. I didn't think you'd agree considering that you're busy."

Andrew replied, "Oh- no biggy. Thought that I should take some time off, this case would look good for a seminar or something." 

"You sure its not because you wanted to spend some time outside work with Eliesha?" Xyla said with a smirk on her face.

"Stop joking around guys. We're just friends now." Eliesha said seriously.

As the air got uncomfortable for everyone, Matthew interrupted and said, "Why don't we go to have dinner everyone! Like, a group dinner to celebrate the success of this case? Maybe even discuss things other than work?"

Everyone agreed and they all headed out to Itallianas to celebrate the successful treatment. During the dinner, laughter was shared, tears were shed, and team was made. They agreed to help each other if ever needed and would inform each other if ever certain cases arose. Time went by quickly and it was time for them to bid adieu as the night grew dimmer. 

Andrew quickly held Eliesha's hand, "Do you think that we could start again?"

"I waited long for this, Drew," Eliesha looked into his eyes and brushed his hand away, "But, no. I waited for you and I longer for you. You left me when I needed you the most, you left when I was most vulnerable, and you made me hope that you were going to return someday."

"And I did, didn't I?" Andrew said.

"You didn't come back, Drew. At the end of the day, time and time again, I was the one who accepted that job from your hometown. I was the one that kept reaching out and I was the one who felt like I had to chase you to get you back when I wasn't the one who made the big mistake. Now I realized, that maybe we are better off as friends. Because maybe if you had asked me earlier, I wouldn't have pursued my dream." Eliesha held her hand near her chest as it was about to explode, knowing that those words came from a place she thought she had healed. A bit after hearing Eliesha say all of that, Andrew told her that he would see her back in their home clinic for work. 

Though the two of them drifted apart, there was a slight relief from Eliesha as she spoke the truth. She did not see herself succeeding if she continued to allow herself to be held down by the things she used to love. Success is not linear for everyone, we all grow and go through things to reach where we'll be.

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