chapter 7 (war dog )

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Hex: interesting most likely for war right?

I decided to ignore him answering his questions wasn't really worth my time

Hex: we have the best employees wonderful scientists who want to experiment on u stop being a wench

Raven: good employees? So tell me do u just let everyone rape ur experiments or it that just part of the van ride

Hex: bring me that driver through him a cell till we find something to do with him and put her in her enclosure

Employee: yes boss

They locked me in a cage of bullet proof glass constantly had water pouring on me from a shower head to douse ant flames I could conjure

Hex: alright so now what should we do with her

Employee: well sir we could probably use her for war since she was most likely made for that

Hex: sounds great bout we would need to recreate her collar the one she has plblocks bother her power and her shifts so we need one that only blocks her power a wolf her size dosnt need powers to be a war machine and she's practically bullet proof since no one makes pure silver bullets anymore

Employee: what if she trys to run away in the field tho

Hex: get her a damn shock collar

Employees: but sir normal shock collars won't take down a wolf that weighs about 800 pounds (only in wolf form)

Hex: well a normal shock collar has the potential of reaching 4500 volts .....but the same amount of volts in there as a lightning bolt

Employee: but that's 300 million volts

Hex : exactly it would immobilize her knock her off her feet and stun her bout she's to powerful for it to kill her ....matter of fact we'll make the driver the test subject she can rip off his dick makes her happy and we get to test the collar if she trys to run

Employee...ok sir I'll have the collar finished by tomorrow

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