"Look, that's the last thing I should be thinking about" Mobius tells him.
"Aren't you curious?" You ask him, trying to join in the conversation. "Don't you want to see the life you were supposed to live before they kidnapped you?"

"Not really" Mobius was shaking his head.
"Why?" Loki asks him.
"Because it's not my life!"
"It could've been."
"It isn't. This is" Mobius answers him.

"I'd like to thank the guy who kidnapped me and brought me here. Got me this pie" he grins, taking another bite.
"If you never look, you'll never know" Loki tells him. Mobius looks up at him, placing his spoon down.

"The TVA is the only life I've ever known. I like it" he smiles. "And I got to meet you two."
You smiled at this, looking up at the man who had, in a way, saved both of your lives.

"Look, I understand that. I get it, you might think twice incase it's something bad-"
"Or something good. Something bad, I can handle. What if it's something good?! Do you think I wanna have that rattling around in here?" He gestures to his head after cutting Loki off.

"Off course not!" Mobius finishes, bringing back the unnerving silence again. You take another bite of your pie, not daring to look up at anyone.

"You know, X-5 isn't gonna talk" you change the subject, talking before things got too awkward.
"X-5 is gonna talk. We just have to find a way in" Mobius tells you.

"All right. So what aren't we asking this time?" Loki asks him.
"Look, X-5 is a good hunter, okay? He's very good at his job. So, does it really make sense that he could spend all that time down there and not find Sylvie?" Mobius suggests but you shrug.

"Look, Sylvie spent her whole life hiding" you remind him. "He didn't find her."
"Yes, but maybe he got a little help from that TemPad" Mobius counters.

"Okay. If he found her and walked away then she didn't know he found her. How does that makes sense?" Loki frowns.

"Think about it. He found her, but maybe didn't turn her in because he wants to continue to live his best life on the timeline" Mobius tells him.
"He wants more time to be Brad Wolfe" you say, making Mobius nod proudly.

"Who wouldn't?" Mobius smiles. "We just gotta find a way to get him to admit it."
"He's the only one who knows where Sylvie is. Just gotta make him talk" Loki says.

"Well come on, you're the God of Mischief" you say, making him turn to you. "Right?"
He smiles down at you, a genuine smile. One of the things you loved about him.
"Right" he says. "I think I have an idea."

Loki explained the plan he had come up with oddly quickly after you called him the God of Mischief. His plan was simple, false (sort of) torture. Usually, you or Mobius would probably tell him to not be so absurd. However, he had pissed all three of you off.

He deserved it.

Mobius springs up, having a sudden idea. "I have a machine we can use" he says cheerfully. "I'll go grab it. I'll be back down to grab you both afterwards, sit tight" he smiles as he jogs away.

You and Loki stay in silence for a moment. He threw you a quick glance, sighing as he turned his chair around to properly face you. You looked up from your pie as he does so, watching him.

"So, you want to talk about it?" He asks you. You look away quickly.
"About what?"
"Don't be like that. You know what about."

You sigh, not ready to accept defeat yet. "There's nothing to talk about. I just lost it" you shrugged. You felt Loki's hand come down onto your shoulder, forcing you to instinctively look up at him.

"Please, Y/N," he slowly turned you to look at him. "Talk to me."

You admit defeat, looking down to your hands as you shift nervously. You try to gather your words, struggling to find the right ones.
"What do you want me to say?" You ask him, not daring to look at him.

"Do you really believe him?" Loki asks, not taking his eyes off of you. When you didn't answer, he sighed and placed his face into his hands. "Y/N you can't seriously believe that moron."

"What if he is right?" You challenge, looking up at him. "I killed my father, Loki."
"I thought you told me you didn't regret a thing" he reminds you.

"I didn't. But I'm not sure now. I mean, sure, he deserved it but it didn't make me much better than him when I killed him."

"It's okay, Y/N. Everyone makes mistakes, including you. Including me. I mean, everyone on both Midgard and Asgard know I'm far from perfect. You think I don't regret New York? I would give anything to go back and just.. not do it I suppose is the right words. My point is, you shouldn't feel bad about your father."

"When you invaded New York, you were being brainwashed. That's what you said. When I killed my father, I wasn't being mind controlled whatsoever. It was purely me. I got pissed off, I snapped, I killed him. Me" you pause, looking at the man with teary eyes. "What if I hurt you too?"

"Hey!" Loki instantly cuts you off, cupping your face gently but firmly. "Darling, I trust you from the bottom of my heart. I wouldn't be in a relationship with you if I thought you were no good for me or if I thought you were going to hurt me. Please, don't believe a single word Brad says."

You smile, leaning your head on his shoulder. "Relationship?" You question.

"Darling, in the nicest way possible, are you really that slow?" He asks you, his arm going around your shoulders.
"Oh fuck you" you joke.

You laugh, lifting your head up to place a soft and loving kiss on your boyfriends lips.
"Thank you" you whisper to him, making him smile.
"My pleasure darling."

You sit like that for a while, simply enjoying each other's company. Your head was leaning on his shoulder's, your eyes shut tiredly.
Loki noticed you were still slightly down.

"You know, I think I still have some of my powers here in the TVA" he says, making you gasp and look at him.

"Yes. I suddenly felt this magic surge through me earlier. Want to see?" He asks, standing and offering your a hand. You took it, letting him drag you to the middle of the room. "I think," he whispers into your ear, getting close to you. Your body's were practically touching. "I can make you fly."

"What?!" You question in confusion, only for you to scream as Loki suddenly hoists you over his shoulder while laughing.
"Is it working?! I can't see you up there!" He jokes, walking around easily while looking up at the ceiling. You roll your eyes with a smile.

"Put me down Laufeyson!" You yell, though he didn't. He loved hearing you laugh.
"Where have you gone?! Did I do the wrong spell?" He asks playfully.

The two of you were laughing and after a moment, he eventually put you down. Everything about Brad had completely vanished from your mind as he placed another kiss into your lips.

You were immensely grateful for your boyfriend.

A/N - early update? Me?! I'm getting better!!

Tomorrow is Loki episode 4 AHH!!
And... I'm so nervous idk why I have this terrible feeling it's going to be sad.

In season 1, Mobius 'died' so I'm worried it's going it be sad I THINK IM BEING STUPID BUT IDK. (If anyones reading this after episode 4 they're probably either laughing at me or crying with me)

Hope you enjoyed!
Thanks for reading.
Bye <3

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