22. The twilight of Innocence

Start from the beginning

But I guess this is how everything fucking works.

Collecting my stuff, I rush out of the class.
I could’ve easily that stupid fuck the taste of his own medicine, but how would Arhaan have fun in that.

He wanted me to feel fucking humiliated.

And I bet he is happy now because he just made me feel exactly that.


After bunking the first four lessons successfully it was finally lunch break now, and I can’t stay in the library any longer. I am hangry.

I walk towards our college lunchroom trying to be as discreet about it as possible.
As I was picking my food, I heard someone clearing his throat behind me.

Turning to look at the person, I see the dobby guy.

A very brutally beaten dobby guy.

His both eyes were bruised and swollen, his skin was etched with lines and scars. And he was holding an ice pack on his cheekbone, trying to deal with the nose bleed at the same time.

What the fuck happened?

And then out of nowhere he kneels and starts to beg.

“I am so so sorry Inayah, please forgive me” his once smug, confident voice was now filled with agony and fear like if I didn’t forgive him, he will die. Literally.

Gosh the second hand embarrassment I am feeling right now.

“Umm yeah, whatever. Its cool.” What else was I supposed to say? I mean I will not kill him just because he said something mean to me.

But I am still surprised, why the change of heart all of a sudden?



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♡Arhaan's pov ♡

Tw: mention of blood, gore scenes ahead.

When you can’t see what’s lurking in the shadows, that’s when you should be most afraid. Because danger lurks unseen, silently waiting for its chance to strike.

To fully consume you.

In the dimly-lit corner, I stand.

He can’t see me, he can’t suspect the danger that’s about to devour him.

I look down at the haze of cigarette fumes, intermittently highlighting the soft glow of the ember between my fingers. Taking a last single drag, I crush the bud under my feet and start to walk towards the worthless piece of shit who dared to disrespect my trésor.

I clench my fists at that thought. Nobody disrespects her.


Not even this lonefuck who is wearing this bohemian shirt like he is on some sort of beach vacation. Like the fuck man?

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