As soon as the thought settled into my brain, it wouldn't leave. That's what I wanted. For him to be mine. Not just tonight but for longer than that. I wanted to eat more food with him, and make him laugh, and hear more of his stories. I didn't want to be with anyone else, and I sure as hell didn't want him to be with another girl, either.

Even if that desire came with so many complications.

His hands traced the lines of my waist until they reached the waistband of my joggers and gave them a sharp tug down. Revealing my entire backside, clad in nothing by a thong leotard. One of his fingers trailed down the furrow of my spine, following the line down until it split between my cheeks.

"You'll want to start following the rules because bratty girls who don't listen don't get to cum. And you don't want that, do you?" His voice sank even lower, razing my skin with each word. "No, you don't. That greedy little cunt wants everything it can get."

He pressed his hips against my ass, giving me another taste of his thick sex, and my eyes rolled back into my head.

"Yes. I ne-need y-you." My voice was broken and stumbling. I'd never once said that to a man before. That I needed him. Wanted, sure. But needed? Not a chance. The only person I'd ever felt like I could need... was him.

Mine. Mine. My heart said.

"What was that, baby? I didn't hear you. Say it again. Louder this time. Make me believe it."

I'd tried to convey my feelings in three little words. Hollowing out my stomach, reaching for a steady breath, I did as he asked. "I need you," I forced out, louder and more confident. "I fucking need you, Dominick. All of you. I need you so bad."

His thumb worked against my tight back entrance, adding just enough pressure and friction over the fabric of my leotard to make me moan.

"This little pussy needs me. Is that it?"

"All of me needs you," I panted out. "All of me. Not just right there."

A satisfied sound rumbled in his throat as his finger sank lower, stroking over the soaked leotard with firm pressure. "I need you too, baby. Need all of you. Your heart. Your mind. Your sassy little mouth. Need to take you out to dinner and let you ride on my bike." Each one of his words had me unraveling like a spool of thread for his man. I opened my hips wider, wanting to take more of him. Straining to hear each one of his jagged breaths. "But right now," Dominick said, in his confident, self-assured tone, "I need this pussy. Need you twitching and cumming all over my cock."

God, I needed that too.

My legs trembled as he continued to work. His finger moving back and forth. Back and forth. Each painfully slow stroke squeezing every ounce of pleasure from me but not quite giving me what I wanted. He was barely going as high as I wanted him to go. Not quite reaching the spot that would do more than make my legs shake. I arched my back and shifted my hips backward, trying to get him to touch my clit, but he refused. Keeping his focus on one particular spot, no matter how I wiggled.

He was leaving me wanting more, and I groaned in frustration.

From behind me, Dominick chuckled. "I told you, this is what you get for being a bad little girl. For trying to jump into a dangerous construction site and then rolling your beautiful eyes at me. I'm going to take my time with you tonight, Tanushree. Teasing you over and over again."

I'd never been with a man who wanted to take their time with me. As frustrated as I was that his finger kept moving just south of where I wanted it to be, this was the slow, trusting intimacy that I'd always wanted from a partner.

I let out another groan, and repeated the only phrase I could seem to be able to say. "I need you, Dom. Need you so bad."

And it was true. I needed this. Him. More than just because it felt good but also because I needed him to need me too. And right now, with the way his thick sex was wedged between my ass cheeks while his finger stroked over my wet pussy, I knew he needed me just as bad. Needed this. Whatever this was. Whatever we were to each other.

"I know you do, baby. I know you need me. That's why you're here. Because you need this as much as I do." His voice was thick and deep and did something to me I couldn't explain. "But don't worry, I'm in absolutely no rush. We're going to find out just how much you can take before you beg for my dick." He drew in a breath. "And Tanushree," he said, leaning forward, one hand fisting my ponytail, tugging it back, and opening my throat.

A strangled sound left my lips that could've been a yes.

"You're going to be sobbing for it before I'm done."

Oh god.

Slowly, my ponytail slipped out of his hand, and I was left in a puddle of need and want, all wrapped together in the pleasure of letting him dominate me.

His hands traced down the outsides of my thighs before I felt the warm pressure of his tongue painting up the back of my leg. Trailing all the way up until he reached that soft place that was already hungry for more.

Dominick was out of his mind if he thought it would take long to have me sobbing for him.

Light, teasing strokes flicked across my leotard, and I'd never hated wearing this damn thing so much as I did right then. It wasn't a pair of panties he could easily strip off. It was going to be an evolution to peel it off my damp skin. And I wanted it off right now. Wanted more of me exposed to him.

Because right now, Dominick DuBois was all I needed.

Dance For Me (Strip in the City, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now