~<{[Chapter 22]}>~

Start from the beginning

"Are you feeling cold baby~? I can make you some hot chocolate" Emi suggested, successfully lifting the heavy bamboo basket from the ground.

"Yes please!!" Sayuri cheered, "By the way mum... Where's Onii-san? and Otou-san?" Sayuri asked, following her mother all the way to the kitchen where the calm woman quickly made some hot chocolate for her daughter.

"Yuji is on a mission currently and your dad is out in the backyard chopping some logs for the fire." Emi hummed, "Why don't you help your father outside, hmm?" She pushed the glass mug filled with warm hot cocoa towards Sayuri who beamed happily.

"Can I!?"

"Well of course! After you finished your-" In seconds, Sayuri quickly ran outside - energetic as she quickly spotted her father chopping some logs with his axe.

"Otou-san!!!" She cheered, running to a man with greyish-milk hair and a darker shade of blue as his eye color. The man's eyes widened when he saw Sayuri running towards him. He is the father of Sayuri - Ryufuku Fuyuzuki.

"Oh, are you back from the village darling?" Ryufuku smiled as the white-haired girl hugged her father tightly.

"Yep! Okaa-san told me that I'm a strong girl for being able to carry a heavy weight all the way up the mountain without breaking any sweat! Isn't that cool dad!?" Sayuri asked excitedly after getting complimented by her mother.

"Yep, that's pretty cool darling! The slayer training has been working out well, ain't it?" Ryufuku chuckled, caressing Sayuri's head as she broke off the hug with a disappointed look plus a frown.

"Well... I've been trying so hard but... no matter what... I can't learn Otou-san's and Onii-san's breathing style!! The Steam Breathing!!!!" She crossed her arms, "It's so frustrating because every time I learn it continuously- it just never works for me!!!"

"Oh, so you are still having some problems with the breathing style huh?" Ryufuku smiled, examining the angry face of a small Sayuri - "Yeah! It's annoying!! Why can Yu-nii master it so quickly but not me!!!" 

 "Well maybe you're more special than your brother~" Ryufuku kneeled down to reach the height of Sayuri, "If you can't master our breathing style... then there might be a chance that you'll be able to create a new breathing style of your own~ Then you can surpass your older brother!" 

Sayuri's eyes widen and sparkle with hope, "Really!?? I can make my own breathing style!??"

"Yes, you can. If you train hard then you can!"

"Osh! I will train as hard as I can!!! So I can surpass Yu-nii and probably Otou-san someday!!!" The words that came out of her mouth made the older man chuckle as he stood back up - watching Sayuri running inside after hearing her mom calling out to her.


It was already midnight and by the time Yuji Fuyuzuki - the only son of the Fuyuzuki Family and the only older brother for Sayuri hadn't returned yet from his mission.

This of course made Sayuri a little bit concerned since she knows well how her brother is a Hinoto rank in the corps. He is a strong slayer and he always finishes his missions before midnight strikes so he can meet with Sayuri and tell her everything that happened in his mission.

He is also smart and he can coordinate the time well - but this time - he is getting late for their daily story time.

Sayuri stayed up all night despite hearing their parent's holdings about how she should go to sleep early and how that's how a slayer job works - that they usually can come back late due to road difficulties.

She sat on her futon, drawing on a piece of blank paper with colorful crayons. Although she was scribbling the tiny characters she drew with colorful colors - the worried expression on her face was still present. She was extremely worried for her brother by now.

Her nose suddenly twitched and she quickly jolted up from her futon, she could recognize her brother's faint aura and of course his scent. Filled with excitement, she ran out of her room and towards the main entrance to their house. Her eyes widened when she saw her heavily injured brother coming through the front door, leaving traces of warm red blood.

"Yu-nii!!" She cried, catching her older brother before he collapsed to the ground.

Yuji's white-to-blue long hair was messy and was also stained with blood, his uniform and haori was also stained with blood and dirt. Sayuri could feel a warm substance soaking into her kimono which made her panic even more.

She placed her ear on Yuji's chest that was on the heart part, hearing no heartbeats - Sayuri started crying out of worry.

"Yuji-nii!!! MOMM!! DADD!!!" She screamed, "YUJI-NII IS NOT BREATHING!!!!"

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