-~{[Chapter 12]}~-

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"RIGHT... SUMMER BREAK IS APPROACHING FAST." Aizawa spoke as he tidied the stack of papers he collected from the class.

The class started cheering about how they knew that they would be going on a summer break at forest ledge. Both me and Muichiro just watched the scene of the class, knowing that the training at the summer break will be hellish for them.

"There's also one week until the final exam, I'm sure all of you are already studying right? Also, it won't be a written exam but there will be a practical component too. So make sure you train your mind and body simultaneously." Just as Aizawa was about to leave the classroom, he stopped for a second before turning back.

"I almost forgot. Tokito and Fuyuzuki, you both don't have to participate in the written exam, so both of you will only participate in the practical exam. That's all." When the sleepy man left the room, the class started chatting.

"I HAVEN'T STUDIED AT ALL!!!!" Kaminari holds his head, clearly stressing out about the written exam, "With the Sports Festival and the internship experience and everything, I've never stopped to study!!!" Mina whines about how she was jealous of both of us cause we don't need to participate in the written exam. 

"If you two have a hard time then I can help you with the studying, except the practical exam..." Yaogorozu sulks when she said the Practical Exam. With that, Sero, Jirou, and Ojiro happily join.

I put my hand below my chin, "Then... I guess I will help you train for the practical exam..." Muichiro lazily put his head on top of my head, "If Suri-chan is there, I will help you guys train too..." Mina and Kaminari thanked us while bowing 90 degrees toward us.

They decided that this program will be launched on Saturday, and the others sulked when they heard that the practical exam will be faced against teachers.


The others including both I and Muichiro stared at the massive mansion in front of all of us, "Is this really the right address?" Jirou questioned, getting a reply from Ojiro who nods. Mina did not hesitate to ring the bell and with that, Yaoyorozu's welcoming voice boomed out through the speakers and the gate soon open.

When we entered the big mansion, Yaoyorozu welcomed us excitedly before leading us to where the library is at. 

"Since Sayuri-chan and Muichiro-kun don't have to study, both of you can read some books from here!" The both of us nodded simultaneously before splitting away from the group to look for some books that can entertain us.

"Mui-mui..." Muichiro hummed in a reply, "I met Kibutzuji back at Hosu..." Muichiro stopped walking before hugging me tightly, "I'm happy that you are alright..."

I was stunned for a second before hugging him back, "Don't worry about me, Mui... I won't die during the war, I know I won't. That's why, promise me this one thing..." Both of us remained in eye contact for a while, "You also must not die at the war. Against the uppermoons or even Kibutzuji. Promise?" 

Misty Love (Muichiro Tokito x OC x MHA)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora