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The building surrounded by the fence was just what Sean expected. Tawi hid something in there, and they had to get it if they wanted to expose his shady ass. 

"It's time to get rid of the bracelets." Sean looked at his companion. Gram and Yok nodded, but the twins looked confused.

"It's part of our plan. We will dispose of them and make the organizer think we are dead." Gram explained. 

"How? They will look for the bodies." White asked, looking directly at Sean. 

"Do you remember the article about not searching for the bodies that don't have the bracelets on them in the contract you signed?" 

White nodded. His eyes glowed with a sudden realization, and Sean couldn't help smiling. The young Pothiyakorn was smart. 

"There is a stream not far from here. It's deep and fast enough to wash the bracelets further away. And if we make it look like a place of a fight with blood and torn clothes here and there, no one would suspect it." Sean clarified. 

"It would work for you three but not for all of us." Black chipped in. Sean glanced at him, frowning. The damned gremlin was right. They created this plan for three of them. If they didn't want to expose their location, they needed to come up with another method. 

"I think it can work." White taped his chin. 

"Let's go and create a battleground instead of a small fight. We need a place with mud, though." "Okay." Balck agreed immediately, standing up. Sean wasn't sure what  White planned, but he decided to trust him. He nodded at Gram and Yok, and they quietly left the building. 

"P'Gram, can you lead the way?" White asked, letting Gram take the place in front of the group. They walked quickly and silently until they could hear the water running. They scattered as soon as they arrived at the steam's side, looking for the muddy area. Black and White were searching not far from him. Rather, White was running around, and his brother followed him like an obedient puppy. 

"Here!" Yok called them over. The spot he found was small, muddy and nicely hidden behind the wall created by trees and bushes. 

"This will work." White smiled. 

"Now, run around. Make as many tracks as you can." The group nodded, doing what the younger male wanted. White examined the outcome thoughtfully before he looked up. Sean could tell he planned something he wouldn't like. Suddenly, White moved and jumped at him, sanding him down into the mud. The tiny body itself wasn't heavy, but the unexpected action and the giant backpack surprised him. Sean didn't have the time to react, and now he lay in the dirt with a cute boy on top of him. He blinked a few times, realizing White was smiling, though his cheeks were slightly flushed. 

"It's a battlefield. It would be weird if no one fell." White explained, yet didn't attempt to climb down from him. Sean wasn't complaining. He quite like having White there. 

"Sure." Sean tried not to sound so excited. 

"Get fucking off of him," Black growled, pulling his twin on his feet and sending him a nasty glare. Sean was glad the look couldn't kill. 

Gram landed him a hand, helping him back on his feet. 

"Now, we need blood..."  White glanced at them. 

"Should we cut ourselves?" He tilted his head. 

"No need. We have these." Yok grinned, taking off his backpack. He rummaged through it for a while until he found two thermoses. He tossed one to Black. The gremlin opened and grimaced.

"It's blood. Pig, I assume." 

"Bingo." Yok grinned even more. 

"Oh. Nice." White smiled. 

"Let's toss three bracelets in the water and the other two somewhere around. We should use our blood for the bracelets, though. We don't know if they confirm identities with DNA test." 

"You are not cutting yourself," Black snarled. 

"I don't have to." White waved his bandaged hand. Sean sighed in relief. He continued watching the brothers as they ripped the bracelets from their wrists. White tore the bandage from his palm, rubbing the silver object over the wound, opening it again. Sean heard him hiss in pain, and his heart squeezed at it. Black wasn't looking at his brother, focusing on the knife and cutting his palm. They stained the bracelets and tossed them somewhere into the bush. 

"Sean," Gram called him. Sean walked towards his friends, took off his bracelet and threw it in the water. They watched the silver things drifting away with the current. 

"The last step. Blood."  The thick dark liquid was being poured over the ground and some torn clothes. 

"I think we must leave one of our backpacks here too." White addressed his brother. Black nodded. They take out as many necessary things from White's backpack and stuff it in Black's. Sean was about to offer the space in his bag, but Yok's voice stopped him.

"What the hell is this?" Yok pointed at the ground near the stream. Sean hurried to his side. His eyes almost popped out. Printed in the mud was a giant pawn. If it weren't for the size, Sean would assume it belonged to a wolf. But this thing was enormous for the ordinary wolf, and Sean refused to believe in a Twilight werewolf shit. 

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