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Adul sighed for a umpteen time today. His little boys reconcile with their childhood friend and left him to have fun. Not that he was against it. White and Black deserved to have a little fun after all the shit his soon-to-be ex-wife put them through. 

Somehow, he found their reunion with Todd a bit fishy. Or maybe he was paranoid because of the lack of contact. His sons were away for two days and only contacted him via messages. He wasn't used to it. They always video-called. He shifted uncomfortably on the sofa, turning the television on. The house was so lonely and silent without his baby boys. Adul flipped through the channels boringly until he stopped at the news. 

"The annual Hunt has begun. Like every year, hundreds of brave people signed up." The announcer's voice commented. The camera showed the large crowd. Adul sighed, shaking his head. 

"The Hunt, founded by the Tawi Corp, is one of the most awaited games. The winner would get the prize money and the fame." 

Adul frowned. Tawis's game was nothing but a bloodbath and attention-seeking fun. Not to mention, he used it to launder dirty money from his illegal shadow businesses. The camera flew above the contestant's head. He was ready to switch the channels again when he spotted two familiar figures. He blinked a few times. In the middle of the mass stood two boys clinging to each other. They had a similar height, and though their faces covered masks, he recognized a similar face structure. 

Adul stood up, running closer to the television, but the news already ended. He cursed. It couldn't be his sons. They were safe with Todd somewhere in Phuket, enjoying the beach. He quickly took out his phone, dialling White's number. The phone rang, but no one answered. He tried again with Black, and he ended with the same result. Anxiously pacing through the living room, he tried repeatedly until the call got picked up.

"White, thank god." He exhaled. 

"Hello, Mr Pothiyakorn. I am not White." Todd's voice echoed through the speaker. Adul's legs gave out, sending him onto the sofa. 

"Please, Todd, tell me they are with you." He pleaded, though he already knew the answer. 

"I am sorry. I tried to stop them." Todd's answer made him dizzy. His little boys were out there. 


"All I can tell is that it's because of your wife and Tawi. I don't know the details, too." Todd sighed, and Adul's world darkened. 

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