Marietta smiled and chuckled at the memory.

(M): Remember the cookies my mother set out of for us to bake when my parents were gone that one time. And we made them from scratch and you-
(C): Put all the ingredients in the blender but didn't fully close it all the way and everything got everywhere so we spent most of the time cleaning up. Yes I remember.

They laugh and Coriolanus smiled at her.

(C): There's that smile.
(M): I haven't smiled or laughed like this in a while. Thank you Coryo.
(C): Glad I could bring it back.


When they walk in the building all eyes are on them. Marietta lifts her head up high and so does Coriolanus. The students speak about them. You could hear "I didn't know Coriolanus and Marietta were dating." And "They honestly look cute together." And "Coryo looks better with me."

Marietta laughed. They weren't even together yet she found it amusing.

They walked into the loud gym. Teressa ran up to them.

(T): You two are so cute! Amazing power couple.
(M): Calm yourself.
(C): We're taking things slow.

Marietta looked at Coriolanus with a confused expression and he smiled at her.

(C): Just don't spread the word so fast.

He winked at her and Marietta pulled him towards the juice bar.

(M): Why would you tell her that we're "taking things slow"? What did I just say the ride here?
(C): I know but don't you hear? Once we walked in this building we were all the students talked about. I remember you telling me how you wanted students to like you more. Your only friend is Teressa and me! People love me. And now they'll love you too.
(M): I didn't need your help. And I don't care if people like me or not. It doesn't bother me.
(C): Well you've got it anyway. So try and act the part.
(M): I'm not gonna kiss you.
(C): We didn't say all that. Just show little affection.

A Waltz of the Flowers by Tchaikovsky came on.

(C): Care for a dance?

Coriolanus held out his hand towards her. She sighed as she took his hand. They walked to the middle of the dance floor. People turnt their heads and stared but they just smiled. He put his hand on her lower back and she put his hand on her shoulder. People made space for them as they glided across the dance floor. He lifted her up and twirled her in the air. She landed perfectly on her toes as the song ended. Most of the students clapped and they laughed with each other.

A girl walked up in front of Coriolanus. Bridgette Thrust. Bridgette was inlove with Coriolanus and was one of the main people that hated Marietta. She thought of Marietta snobby because her parents are rich. Marietta never really didn't anything to Bridgette she was just stuck up. And the fact she was now "dating" Coryo infuriated her.

She laughed at Marietta.

(B): Your dress is hideous. Coryo probably only got with you because he was bored.
(M): I'm sorry enlighten me here. Who is his girlfriend and who is the stuck up bitch that doesn't have enough brain cells to realize that Coriolanus doesn't like her?

Everyone gasped and Coriolanus chuckled. Bridgette scoffed.

(B): Fuck you! I don't believe it! He wouldn't date a low life like you!

WHITE ROSE: Coriolanus SnowWhere stories live. Discover now