Chapter IV

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I'm nervous about this chapter as this is one of the part that is hard to put in writing. I hope I gave this some justice. 

At Eonni's Noodle stall, nestled in the heart of the park, a bustling crowd eagerly awaited their steaming bowls of comfort on this chilly day. The familiar faces of regular customers filled the queue, drawing a warm smile from Ms. Chu as she recognized some of them. She deftly prepared the orders, while Chairman Choi managed the cashbox and attended to customers' additional needs, such as extra utensils, napkins, and garnishes. These tasks didn't require the finesse of noodle preparation, making them well-suited for Chairman Choi, who swiftly retrieved items from their designated compartments.

Despite their diligent efforts, it was clear that the stall was understaffed, judging by the patiently waiting customers. As Ms. Chu delicately adorned the noodle bowls with toppings, a voice called out her name, diverting her attention.

"Ms. Chu!" came a voice from the crowd.

Among the patrons stood a familiar face, one who had grown close to Ms. Chu during their days at the old shop. With a friendly smile, the said patron stepped forward from the crowd, inquired about the seemingly limited staff and offered her assistance, given the crowd of hungry customers. Ms. Chu, while skillfully assembling orders and delivering them to the waiting customers, responded with gratitude.

"Thank you for offering, but we'll manage for now," she said politely. "We actually have someone on the way to assist us, so we should be just fine until they arrive."

"Then who is that kid on the back?" her helpful patron seemed puzzled as she asked, casting a pointed gaze behind Ms. Chu. Turning to follow the direction of her gaze, Ms. Chu's expression briefly flickered with concern before settling into a faux enthusiasm when she recognized who her patron was referring to. She exchanged knowing glances with Chairman Choi before putting on a polite facade. Spotting her hesitation, Chairman Choi stepped in smoothly.

"Oh, him?" he began, gesturing towards the person in question. "That's my grandson. Unfortunately, he's not feeling well today. With no one at home to take care of him, Ms. Chu kindly offered him a place to rest here."

Satisfied with the explanation, the patron nodded, collected her order, and offered a warm thank you before departing. As they turned their attention to a new customer, Ms. Chu cast another worried glance toward the figure in the background. He lay there, seemingly peaceful with closed eyes, and she couldn't help but wonder if Somun's summoning would be a lengthy process. The protective concern lingered in her eyes as she continued to serve customers.

The first time Somun had utilized this newfound ability to summon an evil spirit within its own mind, it had been a harrowing experience. The process had almost killed him and put his team in danger as they fought to protect him. He had questioned the utility of this skill, considering how it left him vulnerable on the outside. Yet, over time, it became evident that this ability held great potential.

Before, they had been powerless if the police arrested an evil spirit first before it could be summoned. However, with this newfound skill, Somun could now call upon these evil spirits, as long as they were within his territory even if he's far away, offering a newfound advantage in their mission.

It was also a place of shifting landscapes, with each encounter proving unique. Hwang Pil-gang's mindscape had been a bleak expanse of black and darkness, mirroring his complete evil. However, when summoning other evil spirits in a similar manner, Somun had discovered a wide variety of mindscapes. Some materialized with vivid surroundings—a tranquil park, a towering apartment building, or even an isolated rooftop sometimes. Some are just dark and gloomy. The unpredictability of these mindscapes added an element of intrigue to each encounter, much like the current one.

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