Chapter II

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As soon as Somun, Ungmin, and Juyeon arrived at the warehouse, the trio wasted no time heading straight inside. The enormous space was dimly lit, with towering shelves filled with crates and boxes, creating an eerie atmosphere. The trio navigated the labyrinthine aisles with practiced ease until they reached a seemingly inconspicuous corner.  There, alongside the stack of wooden pallets and covered with a transparent tarp, was the entrance to the Counter's hideout. 

Ungmin and Juyeon, well-aware of Somun's extraordinary powers and his dedication to using them for the greater good, had become familiar with the existence of the new hideout. They made it a point to frequent the hideout whenever their schedules allowed. Their presence within the warehouse had become so frequent that Chairman Choi, recognizing the importance of ensuring Somun's privacy, had taken action. He decided to commission the construction of a dedicated room within the warehouse specifically for Somun and his friends. This decision served a dual purpose: it allowed the young Counter and his friends to gather, and even enjoy sleepovers without fear of disruption, while also affording Jeokbong, Somun's roommate on their initial shared room, the much-needed privacy he deserved.

As Somun made a direct path to the container of garnishes, placed precisely where Motak had left it on the kitchen counter, the two strode ahead, clearly at ease within the surroundings, heading toward Somun's room. Puzzled by their actions, Somun couldn't help but voice his confusion.

"Hey, what are you guys doing? The garnishes we need are right here."

His question hung in the air, unanswered, as his friends continued walking. Confusion building, Somun let out an exasperated sigh and muttered to himself, "Guess I'll just pick up these containers and follow you, then."

Despite Chairman Choi's unwavering insistence that he harbored no favoritism among the Counters, it stood in stark contrast to the undeniable evidence displayed in Somun's new quarters. The room was an embodiment of unparalleled generosity, clearly indicating that their financial backer had spared no expense for the youngest member of their team. A quick glance around the space revealed the stark disparities – Somun's room dwarfed those of his fellow Counters.

The room's dimensions alone were a testament to this, notably more capacious than those occupied by the other members. At one end, a colossal flat-screen TV graced the wall, accompanied by a cluster of inviting bean bags neatly arranged in front of it, promising hours of relaxation and entertainment. In a corner of the room, a meticulously organized study desk held its own, flanked by towering bookshelves that housed a vast collection of books varying from educational to literary.

A curious combination of technology and artistic flair adorned the desk – a sleek laptop and a state-of-the-art drawing tablet occupied prominent positions. They shared space with a scatter of notebooks and loose sheets of paper, all meticulously arranged in a semblance of organized chaos, a testament to Somun's multifaceted interests. Comic sketches and drawings neatly taped to the wall, adding to it. But the centerpiece of this luxurious abode was the generously-sized bed, a sprawling expanse capable of accommodating not just one but all three friends during their sleepovers.

"Hey, why are you in my room? Weren't we supposed to head back to the park?" Somun's tone was filled with gentle insistence as he emphasized his point, lightly raising the containers and giving them a slight shake to drive home the need for their prompt departure. In response, Ungmin made his way to a nearby study desk, deftly setting its contents aside as he fervently searched for something. Meanwhile, Juyeon strolled over to a cozy sofa chair positioned beside an imposing bookshelf, retrieving the scarf she had left there on her previous visit. Intrigued by Ungmin's search, Somun approached his friend and inquired with genuine curiosity.

"Ungmin, what exactly are you looking for?"

He watched as Ungmin suddenly emitted a triumphant exclamation, catching him off guard.

"Aha! Found it!" Ungmin proclaimed with a triumphant grin, proudly displaying the object of his quest – his watch. At that, Somun couldn't help but express his disbelief, his voice tinged with good-natured chiding.

"You know, if that's what you were after, you could have just texted me earlier. I could have brought the watch to the park when we met up today to help at the stall. It would have saved us all this time searching for it now."

Juyeon wasn't spared from Somun's playful rebuke either, her actions mirrored by a similar scolding as he shook his head in mock exasperation. Following their gentle scolding from Somun, both Ungmin and Juyeon offered nods of understanding before abruptly bolting out of his room, leaving him momentarily stunned by their sudden enthusiasm. As he began to chase after them, he suddenly came to an abrupt halt. A vivid recollection flashed in his mind, reminding him of the container he had left atop his bed earlier.

Without wasting another moment, he swiftly retrieved the container and then resumed his pursuit of his friends, his voice ringing out in earnest as he called for them to wait. Their laughter echoed through the corridor, serving as a soundtrack to their lively, impromptu race through the secret hideout.


Meanwhile in the Park, the trio consisting of Motak, Jeokbong and Han-na sprinted through the crowded park, their footsteps echoing in their ears, they couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency pressing upon them. The late morning sun cast long shadows that seemed to elongate their own, as if the very world around them conspired to heighten the tension in the air. Placing their communicators firmly against their ears, they maintained their synchronized pace, dodging civilians who strolled obliviously, unaware of the evil forces lurking nearby. Jeokbong couldn't help but voice his concerns through their shared communicator.

"I just hope that evil spirit hasn't hurt anyone yet," Jeokbong muttered anxiously. His voice trembled with unease as he continued, "These spirits we've been facing lately, they're strong, and they're fast. It's like they're getting more powerful with each encounter. And to make matters worse, look up there."

Jeokbong's gaze lifted skyward, and a knot of worry twisted in his stomach as he saw the boundaries of Yung's territory receding. Motak shot a stern but reassuring look at the young man.

"Jeokbong-a, get your head together," he commanded, his voice steady and unwavering.

"We're Counters, and this is our job. We protect the innocent from the evil forces that threaten them." Jeokbong was about to respond to Motak's words when Hana interrupted with a sense of urgency.

"Guys, we don't have much time," she warned. "The evil spirit has advanced on the elderly man, and he's holding something heavy, something he intends to use to hurt him.”

The trio quickened their pace, determination etched across their faces. The park's designated parking lot was now just within reach, and they knew that they had to intervene before the evil spirit could inflict harm upon the innocent man.

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