"maybe one day"

"this is goodbye then?" i asked

"yeah, it is. see you around spiderman"

felicia grappled away.

i think her leaving is a good thing. she won't be a problem for me and gwen.

goodbye felicia

(no pov)

the group approached the mystery rock that had fallen from the sky.

"be alert"

the man pulled out and hammer and smashed the rock into pieces.

when it broke open a black goo dripped out.

"what the hell is that?"

"lower your guns"

the man placed his hand onto the goo and it started going up his arm.

he tried to yank himself away from the thing but it stayed on his arm.

"shoot it!"

a man with a gun rushed over and shot the man's arm so the thing would release his grip from the man.

the goo rushed off.

"someone get a doctor!"

they had no clue what they just saw. but it was clearly dangerous

(miles pov, the next morning"

i poured my milk into my bowl of cereal and passed the milk to gwen.

"it's a good thing felicia is gone" i said

"absolutely, i hated that bitch"

She had all the rights too. she's the reason me and gwen weren't on good terms for a while.

"she was crazy as hell that's for sure"

my phone went off and it was a text from the fnsm app

"tell my mom and dad i'll be back in a couple minutes, someone found this "thing" in an alley and wants me to take a look"

"ok baby, hurry back though. i still wanna go do something today"

"of course, i'll be back before you know it"


i walked into the alley and a man and a woman were standing in front a box

"good morning spiderman, we found this black thing and followed it here"

"wait. followed?"

"yeah it was slithering around"

i walked over to the box and saw the black goo like thing.

"what the hell?"

"what do you think it is?"

i put my hand onto the thing.

"no clue"

this is like anything i've ever saw.

"do you thing it's dangerous spiderman?"

"maybe, we are about to find out"

the goo start to slide up my arm.

before i knew it covered my whole arm.

it started to spread fast and i started to try to get it off my shaking my arm but it was covering me fast.

"spiderman? are you ok?"

the thing covered my whole body and i blacked out.

i woke back up with the people looking down at me.

"spiderman! we thought you were dead, how do you feel?"

"like a million bucks, out of no where i have a crazy amount of energy."

i looked down at my suit and it was black and white now

"this new suit is sick, i gotta call ganke"


"uh don't worry about it, yall are free to leave"

the two rushed off and i called ganke.

DUDE, i found this black goo stuff and it covered me but i feel great now!

miles, like how do you feel?

energized and this new suit is sick!

miles i'm kinda in class right now

oh yeah sorry

i hung up my phone and shot a web.

my webs are black now! this shit is sick.


i entered my window and tried to take my suit off.

it wouldn't come off

"how do i get this shit off!"

when i said that the goo like disappeared.

i looked at the ground to see if it was off of me but it wasn't.

gwen swung open.

"you're wearing all black?"


i looked down and my clothes that i never put on earlier were all black, i don't wear all black ever

"gwen im freaked out"

"what's the wrong?"

"watch this."

the goo slowly slid back onto me and formed my new suit.

gwen looked horrified.

"what the fuck is that shit!"

"i don't know! but it's kinda cool"

"it's not cool it's fucking creepy!"

"wait let me see if my venom powers work with this"

i charged up my venom and it started to cause me a lot of pain and the goo started to leave my hands. i stopped and the goo covered my hands again.

"venom powers are a no"

"miles i would be careful with that stuff, even if it does feel good"

"i will"

"now lets go do something!"

this new thing gave me a lot of excitement for no reason. this is the best i've ever felt in my life.

maybe this stuff will help me defeat kingpin

chapter 14 ladies and gentlemen.

miles now has the symbiote and shit is about to get crazy.

see yall in chapter 15

Miles Apart : Sequel To One Lucky BiteWhere stories live. Discover now