🔪(🖤🖤) The Price For Sentience (Yandere!Nightmare x Nightmare Animatronic!Reader)

Start from the beginning

Now you were forced to march, the same as everyone else.

Down, down, down to that room at the end of the hall, where every night you heard the frantic footsteps, grunts and muted yelps of a boy.

You felt like you should know this voice, but you couldn't remember. Perhaps those memories belonged to the little girl, not you. You couldn't see his face, you could never get close enough to truly hear him-- all you knew was time had passed, without you. Without her. You felt lonely in her place-- left behind-- but it wasn't right for you to feel this way. You were never part of that life, of that family that you saw. You were nothing more than a recreation. You had your own life, now-- you were yourself, not her-- you had your own family you held onto. You had no friends to speak of, sure, but you didn't need friends as long as you had him.

That's what he always told you, anyway.

Creeping down the hall, you paused at a dark doorway. Your mechanical eyes wandered inside, tracing every detail of the long-abandoned bedroom. You could just barely make out a well-made bed against the back wall, a window at its foot. Faded pink blankets and curtains seemed to be the only color left in the room. A broken toy lay scattered before the bed, covered in a thick layer of dust that seemed to coat every surface. You could even see particles of dust floating around, through the thin sliver of moonlight creeping into the room from behind the black-out curtains. Little else filled the tiny room, yet it remained as it had last been, as if the owner had only left this morning and would be back tomorrow.

Guilt filled your senses and you turned away. It wasn't your business anyway.

You were about to return to your parade when you collided with a fuzzy back. You let out a little 'oomph!' as you stumbled back, but the character before you hardly reacted. He slowly turned, hot, glaring neon purple eyes scanning your fragile doll-like body. As soon as he registered who he was looking at, the bunny tilted his head away from you with a scoff. He neglected to spare you a single word-- not even an, "Oh, it's you," like he used to-- as he pushed himself away. You wanted to call out to him, but he was already gone before you could.

Bonnie never talked to you anymore. He was never nice to you to begin with, but at least he used to acknowledge you before. There was only one time you two truly interacted, when you had gotten too close while he was trying to force his way into the bedroom at the end of the hall. You were trying to see around him, at the boy holding him back, and then... You didn't remember what happened next. It happened too fast, and the next thing you knew, you were waking up to a shrill shriek. Bonnie had long gashes in his furry chest, with what was left of his ears in the tight grasp of your midnight bear. Both were screaming, the deep, gargling radio static of your bear's voice booming over Bonnie's accusations. You screamed for Bonnie's safety and both eyes had turned to you, but Bonnie growled for you to stay out of it. Another bear suddenly appeared-- a scratchy gold-- and Bonnie was tossed aside as if he were as light as you. You tried to apologize to Bonnie for getting in his way, to ask if he was alright, but you had been scooped into translucent onyx arms and torn from the scene as your bear slipped into the shadows, away from his golden counterpart.

You never saw the golden twin of your bear since that night. You hardly saw anyone, but it was Bonnie you missed the most. Even though he made it clear he didn't like you, at least he tolerated you. Now he avoided you, his metallic lips twitching into a scowl whenever you met. Neither of you spoke a word.

Sighing, you looked around the hall, wondering if you should take a different route for tonight. You didn't know what your bear friend would do if he caught you near Bonnie again. That night, he'd done nothing but scold and lecture you as soon as you were 'safe', checking you over for injuries and repairing anything that had even slightly dented. He threatened to tear Bonnie to shreds if anything were to happen to you, and from how deeply his claws crunched and dug through your discarded hand, you were certain he meant it. You knew your bear only wanted the best for you, but he could be a bit... strong about it, to say the least. With you, he was calm and patient; he would hold your hand or carry you when you walked together, and talk about anything you wanted to. He would comfort you when you were upset, and reassure you. But with others, he was hot-headed and lost his temper easily. Especially when it came to you. You didn't want that for them, but your bear convinced you it was for the best, and so you grew to choose the safest options every night to avoid another confrontation. Even if no one was nice to you, you didn't want to harm others with your mistakes.

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