Train: District 3/District 4

Start from the beginning

The plan that's forming in my mind is simple. I'll ally myself with the Careers, which shouldn't be hard, since I can throw a knife as easily as breathing. I'll stay with them until it's only weaklings left, then kill them all. Then I win. Simple. And the first person I'm going to take out is that annoying little twerp of my brother, Thomas.

Maybe. Can I? I don't know. There's another part of me, the kind, sweet, good part of me, that is repulsed by the very idea of killing. But if I'm going to survive, I'll have to push that instinct down.

I don't know what's wrong with me. Inside, I do feel my conscience screaming at me that this isn't right. I shouldn't want to kill. This isn't right. But I feel an equally strong desire to end something's life. And I've always felt this way. I used to kill birds. And then I got mad one day and threw a knife at Thomas. And the desire to kill got stronger, and it scares me.

Thomas laughs, cutting my thoughts short. "Sibyl, look at this freak. He's proposing to his girlfriend who just got reaped! That ring was a waste of money, bud." I roll my eyes. I might be psychotic, but Thomas is just mean. And he doesn't even know. Or care. I don't think I'll even need to be the one to kill him. He'll get on the bad side of so many tributes that they'll be lining up to do the honors. Something tells me Claire will be the first one.


~District 4~

(Marcus Newton's POV)

I probably look sullen as I watch the Reapings. Of course I do. I've done something unforgivable, dragging my little sister into the Games. I really do wish I could wait until next year, but I'm 18. I can't. Tyne doesn't understand.

Right now, she and her little friends are having a whispered counsel with one of the mentors at the table. I do my best to ignore them. If Tyne wants to run off, fine. I hate to say it, but I'd rather not be her ally in the Games. I love her to death, but with her anger issues, it's very possible that she'd turn on her own allies, whoever they are. With the exception of Alyssa, no one can calm her down when she's upset. Only time.

After a few minutes, one of the mentors comes over to talk to me about my strategy. I wave him away. I already know what I'll do. I'll ally with the Careers until there's only a few of us left, then split. Forage for food. Kill whoever I come across. Simple. I can use most weapons, because until Dad's accident he had me training to be a Career. Part of me still has the Career influence ingrained in me, and it will always be that way, I think. Killing doesn't phase me.

Derek Tassiello walks up a minute later, followed by our sisters. "We have a proposition," he says slowly.

I raise my eyebrows. "Oh?"

"A truce. Not an alliance, but a truce. If you see us, you let us be. Same if we see you. If we see you in need, we'll help, and vice versa," Derek says, very calmly.

I consider this. I seriously doubt they'd have a chance to kill me, but then again, you never know. And one thing's for sure: I couldn't kill Tyne even if it meant saving my own life. I nod. "All right, sounds like a deal." Derek extends his hand, and I shake it.


(Tyne Newton's POV)

I hate having Alyssa here. I hate it. I don't want anyone in this train car to die, even though I hate Marcus right now. But Alyssa most of all. She's my only friend. The only person who can actually calm me down when I get angry. And now she's coming into the arena with me. The irony is strong here.

After supper, I announce that I'm going to bed. I haven't had any time to think through what's happened, and I really need to do that. As throw myself on my bed, and feel the strange urge to cry. I automatically push that down. I do not need to cry. If anything, I need to be there for Alyssa when she starts crying. Because I know she will. She misses her sister, Aubrey.

Thinking about tiny, defenseless Aubrey gets me angry again. This isn't fair. The Capitol is ripping about families with this for entertainment! Something's not right. It shouldn't be this way. And I'm powerless to change it. I'm just a piece in their Games. And I hate it. I hate it, and I hate them, and I hate everyone in the Capitol who thinks this is just fun. Because it's not. In a month, 47 of the beloved tributes will be dead. And they all have people at home who love them. And the one winner will be forever scarred, because that winner will have lost their sibling.

"Tyne? You ok?" Alyssa's voice outside my door cuts my thoughts off. When I don't answer, she pushes the door open. "Tyne?" She runs over to the bed.

And I start crying. Tears of anger, and of uselessness. I can't do anything. This evil is going to happen whether I like it or not. I see now why people rose up against the Capitol 25 years ago. I wish they'd won.

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