Chapter - 12 Pei Yuxing has also been...

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After Tantai Jin finished speaking, his fingertips curled up in shame. But he didn't hear Pei Yuxing's response for a long time, so he looked up suspiciously.

Pei Yuxing looked like a prisoner who had been hit by a pie falling from the sky, his usual gentle and dignified appearance completely gone.

And those peach blossom eyes that are always unfocused and look like they are out of focus are wide open.

Very cute.

" want to go?" Tantai Jin coughed twice, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Tantai Jin didn't feel anything bad at first, but he noticed that the distance between the two of them was too close, and he felt that the air was getting thinner. point.

So, before Pei Yuxing could say anything, Tantai Jin wanted to throw away his hands and flee from here, "I'll call a doctor for you..."

Tantai Jin stood up quickly, and as soon as he turned around and walked out, someone grabbed his wrist.

"Don't go." 

Pei Yuxing's voice was hoarse and he pulled Tantai Jin into his arms with force. Tantai Jin's head touched Pei Yuxing's chin and Tantai Jin let out a cry of pain. Pei Yuxing raised his chin and was forced to look at his "boyfriend" who had just taken over.

Tantai Jin bit his lip lightly, his face flushed, "W-what are you doing?"

"Are you telling the truth?" Pei Yuxing asked in a deep voice.

In his sight, Tantai Jin could only see Pei Yuxing's rolling Adam's apple, which was as alluring as a mature man's.

Tantai Jin was stunned for a moment, and he just let out a dull "Huh" to express his acquiescence.

Pei Yuxing took a deep breath, as if to suppress the joy that was about to overflow in his heart. He tightly protected the person in his arms, "Xiao Jin...this is what you said..." He put his chin on

Tantai Jin's head, The drooped eyelashes conceal the greed and satisfaction in his eyes.

"Do you feel sorry for me? So you just pity me. If so..."

Tantai Jin couldn't see his expression, but there was a pitiful nasal sound in his tone, like a rare big dog showing weakness. .

"No..." Tantai Jin stumbled to explain, "No."

Pei Yuxing hummed with satisfaction, then eagerly held Tantai Jin's chin and kissed him.

Tantai Jin has never been able to resist Pei Yuxing. After all, this man is too seductive and a natural vixen.


For a long time, Tantai Jin's legs became limp and powerless, and at some point, he was held in the man's arms like a baby, he is not good at breathing, and is always bullied by men with extraordinary academic abilities and talents.

Under Tantai Jin's vigorous resistance, Pei Yuxing finally mercifully opened the distance between the two.

Tantai Jin's face was flushed, his innocent almond eyes were full of water, his lips were moist, and he looked like he was asking for a kiss.

"Comfortable?" Pei Yuxing rubbed the end of Tantai Jin's eyes with the tip of his nose, smiling wildly and wildly.

"Stop talking..." Tantai Jin's voice was soft, and his heart was trembling fiercely. 

Why...why was he going too far...

Feeling Pei Yuxing's big hand moving behind his back,Tantai Jin stumbled and retreated, "You...what are you thinking about? You are still sick. You can't do that...that..." 

Scum Gong Please Let Me GoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora