1: Where?

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"Open your eyes, child."

Clara opened one eye, quickly followed by the other. She was standing in... Space.
There was nothing. Everything was pitch black.


The voice sounded again, seemingly in front of her, then all around her.

"How old are you?"


"How did you die?"

"I uh-" She looked around. Still couldn't see anything. "-I got shot? In my apartment?"

"So your death was unjust."

"Yes, I would say so."

The voice sighed then went silent. After a little while, it made an 'i got an idea' sound. Then a small circle of light appeared in front of her.

"Would you like to live again?"

Clara scratched her head. What was going on? Who is this thing?

"Well, sure. I'd like to live again. I just don't want to die by a gun this time."

"Would it matter where you live?"

Was this person asking whether she'd like to be rich or something? Because in that case...
"No, it wouldn't really matter. So as long as I'm not poor or anything."

The voice made a sound of agreement, apparently satisfied with her responses.
"Well dear, don't worry too much about the person who's gone before you. She did not fare well, so she was taken to the afterlife early."


Clara felt a pressure on her back, pushing her towards the circle of light, slowly getting bigger.
"What do you mean? Who are you?"

"Do not waste this lifetime as you did your last. Be different from her. Be better."


Before she could say anything else, the pressure increased tenfold.
She flew forward, falling straight into the circle of light.

Everything went white, then black once again.


The chirping of birds twined their way into the unconscious of her brain, bringing her up and out of the darkness.

Clara opened her eyes once again, then sat up quickly.

She was sitting on grass. In a forest. With the sun and beautiful clear blue sky peeking at from between the tree canopies.


Stumbling to her feet, she spun around, taking in her surroundings. Seeing the small brown cottage a few feet behind her, she leaned side to side to see if there was anyone. Nobody.

Walking slowly up to the door, she looked around again, then knocked on the door.

Once, twice, three times.

"Master, why are you knocking on your own door?"

A small shriek escaped her as a large black cat appeared beside her feet. It was about the size of a medium sized dog, with bright green eyes.


"It's your house, master."

"Right. Right."

She grasped the knob and turned it, but it wouldn't budge. She jiggled it a few more times to no avail.
The cat cleared its throat beside her.

"You cast a spell on the house. It opens when you say it."

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