Chapter 24

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As the weather gets hotter, there are more and more ripe peaches in the woods. At the same time, the wheat seedlings that had been drying in the sun for several days had been completely dried. Lu Zhengan borrowed a cow from the village chief's house early in the morning, tied it to a roller, and started grinding the wheat with a rope.

Wheat grinding is a delicate job, which requires not only carefulness but also patience.

Generally speaking, this work usually requires two people. One person leads the cow in front, and uses a wooden fork to shake the crushed wheat behind. After grinding all the wheat off the ears, the wheat stalks that have taken off the ears are piled into straw piles.

Since Lu Zheng'an was the only one in the Lu family, Lu Zheng'an could only lead the ox and pull the roller over the wheat stalks, and then use a wooden fork to shake them after they were all crushed.

Lu Zheng'an's family has a total of five acres of wheat fields. Although the yield per mu is not high, these five acres of wheat seedlings are all pulled back and spread on the field at the door. It is also a thick layer.

Moreover, in the era when Lu Zhengan lived before, these tasks had generally been replaced by mechanization, and even remote and poor areas had already used threshing machines. Where will it be like now, where we still have to use the most primitive methods to repeat the work.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhengan raised his hand to hold the bamboo hat on his head and couldn't help but sigh. Turning his head to look at the large green orchard on the hillside, the sadness on his face deepened.

In addition to the wheat that is in a hurry to be threshed, the peaches in Lu Zheng'an Taoyuan are now ripe in large areas. Free people in the village would occasionally come to help, but compared with the fruit falling from the tree, the most troublesome issue for Lu Zhengan was the problem of sales.

After all, when the weather gets hotter, there will be more fruits and customers will have more choices. Moreover, Hualong Town is such a big place and its spending power is limited. No matter how delicious the peaches from Lu Zhengan's family are, it is impossible for customers to just buy them from his family.

Only one-third of the fruits in the garden have been picked now. The weather is good now, and the remaining fruits should be picked in only six or seven days. Peaches are not as durable as other fruits. If they are overripe, they may rot.

While Lu Zhengan was pulling the ox to grind the wheat, he was silently worrying about what to do.

However, at this moment, I saw a person standing at the edge of the field. Although the weather is extremely hot, the other party is still wearing a blue gown. His long dark hair was fixed on the back of his head by a simple wooden hairpin. His whole person was clean and elegant, and his aura was far beyond that of people who worked in the countryside all year round.

Lu Zheng'an, who was immersed in his own thoughts, was startled by the sudden appearance of a person. When he saw clearly that the person was Song Huaishu, he immediately pulled Niu towards him.

Lu Zheng'an: "It's so hot, why are you here?"

Song Huaishu felt an inexplicable twitch in his heart when he saw Lu Zhengan wearing a bun and a hat on his head, with a sunburned face.

Seeing Song Huaishu just standing on the sidelines in a daze, Lu Zhengan raised his hand and waved in front of him. After seeing him come to his senses, he asked him to go to the yard to rest. He pulled the old cow to the side of the field and tied the cow under the shade of a tree aside.

Song Huaishu saw that Lu Zhengan did not move until the other party tied up the cow, and then entered the yard with him.

After working hard for half a morning, Lu Zhengan was already sweating profusely. After entering the house with Song Huaishu, he went to the stove house to mind his own business, took a gourd-shaped gourd and ordered a gourd of buffalo from the water tank to drink.

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