Chapter 13

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It turns out that the widow's man, Zhou Zhenghe, used to work as a waiter in a restaurant in the town. One day, a guest made trouble in the restaurant after having too much wine. As a waiter, Zhou Xingran stepped forward to persuade him.

However, how can a drunk person be rational? Therefore, Zhou Xuanzhi was slapped on the forehead by the drunken guest. He died on the spot and died within a few hours after being taken home.

The owner of the restaurant knew that something had happened, but he did not shirk responsibility. It was really pitiful to see that the Zhou family was left with only the widow Zhou and his widowed mother to live their lives. In addition, Zhou Henan's accident happened in his own restaurant. Not only did he help the Zhou family take care of the funeral, but he also paid thirty taels of silver in the end.

At that time, because of the dozens of taels of silver, Widow Zhou attracted many second-rate lazy men from nearby villages to become Zhou Shuanbao's cheap father.

However, Widow Zhou had deep feelings for her late man and drove away the group of people with evil intentions with a broom. He even called the village chief and several respected elders in the village to kneel in the ancestral hall and swear that they would observe Zhou Xuanhui's honors and never marry again in this life.

Widow Zhou's move made many people in the village look at her with admiration. From then on, whenever they saw those second-rate lazy people wandering in front of her house who were plotting against her, the villagers would consciously help her get rid of them. There was a dog-raising family. After the female dog at home gave birth to puppies, they specially sent a few puppies to Widow Zhou to look after the home.

Because Lu Zheng'an did not live in the village and had heard about the Zhou family's affairs, he admired women like Widow Zhou from the bottom of his heart.

However, at this time, Lu Zhengan listened to the woman's shrill voice, which was filled with anger, and felt that the woman in front of him seemed different from the rumors.

From the tight corners of her mouth and angry eyes, she looked mean.

Lu Zheng'an held the broom and glanced at the mother and son opposite him. Instead of answering Widow Zhou's question, he answered something wrong: "Since the dog that was running around just now belongs to your family, please keep a close eye on that dog. He just ran to my house and almost killed my chickens."

When Lu Zhengan finished speaking, Widow Zhou looked a little uncomfortable, knowing in her heart that her dog might have really caused trouble.

Nowadays, a chicken is not cheap. Widow Zhou was afraid that Lu Zhengan would ask her for compensation, so she put her arms around her son Zhou Shuanbao's shoulders and began to confuse right and wrong.

It's just that I don't have the confidence in my heart, and my tone of voice is a bit weak. "Uncle Lu, did you get it wrong? Xiaohei is my house-guarding dog. He is usually the most obedient. Not to mention biting the chickens, he even chases the cats away."

Although Lu Zhengan is young, his seniority is quite high. Even though Zhou Zhengan was more than ten years older than him, in terms of seniority, he still had to call Lu Zhengan 'uncle'.

However, the widow's "uncle" voice was now in an ups and downs tone, sounding like she was gritting her teeth.

"According to what you say, it was my chicken that was just a few days old that was ignorant and provoked your dog first?" Lu Zhengan stared at Widow Zhou and her son with a half-smile, his eyes full of ridicule.

"Of course it was your chicken that provoked my dog first, and whoever leaves your house without closing the door deserves to be bitten to death!"

After hearing Lu Zheng'an's words, Widow Zhou didn't know how to refute. Unexpectedly, he was overtaken by his son beside him.

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