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The morning air was fresh and amazing. The wind blew around in the most magnificent manner. Trees swayed in a relaxing twigs banging into each other and leaves scattering on the already dirty forest floor below. At the far east of the grassland stood a magnificent house fenced with tall walls. And by the look of things it was all modern and ancient fix that brought out the beauty of the building in the most intricate way. Just beside the gate was a huge board print MARTINEZ Crescent's pack house’
From the outside one could spot a young girl standing on the balcony of the third floor staring out at the morning sky. She was in her pink robe smiling at the wrist band she kept tracing her fingers on. Looking around quickly she walked back inside. Around the house were busy omegas doing chores and preparing breakfast for the royals. At the study room at the second floor was an elder man around forties or fifties with another one sitting before him chatting silently. The next room a few meters away sat a handful of mature wen talking silently as well. To the left was a room slightly a jar that made the bedroom of the first daughter of the alpha Gabriela. She was a disorganised one, lazy and barely cared as per now it was already seven thirty in the morning and she was asleep. Her hair a messy cloud, her pajamas were wrinkled and not to mention the clothes scattered all over the place.
She turned around rubbing her nose irritatingly and fell back to sleep. A shadow loomed above her frighteningly but she didn’t bother to even peek at whatever it was. A paw fell on her cheek pressing her down in a taunting manner.
“Where are my crisps?”
“Get off you punk” Gaby hissed brushing off the paw.
“Hey you idiot get up, are you gonna sleep forever?” Mia yelled at her best friend hitting her with a pillow and yanking off her blanket.
“Wake up, will you? Your younger sister is up already you better wake up” Mia kept  yelling dragging the sleepy head out if bed. Gaby dropped out of bed hitting her head on the tiled floor and yelped.
“Ouch! You! Come here you silly wolf” she got up chasing her all over the room. Mia locked herself in the dirty bathroom laughing hard.
“Am sorry little alpha blood, i didn’t mean to”
“And you are laughing at me, your sorry isn’t at all convincing!”
“I mean it baby, am truly sorry” she paused “you shaved yesterday?”
“So what if i shaved?”
“Are you planning on banging some guy today? Don’t tell me you are no longer waiting for your mate”
“Who are we kidding Mia, we slept with more than one guy seriously, and it’s not like we haven’t tried threesome haven’t we? “
“Don’t remind me that, and Franco is an idiot, he doesn’t know how to handle a girl at all”
Gaby laughed hilariously “really and you were so worn out the morning after”
“Because i had to give him instructions all the time while you just laughed like an idiot.”
“Forget about Franco, i got a different guy on the list for tonight. Come over and see” Gaby said , Mia opened the door excited .
“Who is it?”
“His name is Maxwell or Max, he’s tall, handsome as hell, well built and a good kisser”
“Oh how did you know he’s all that?”
Mia raised a brow.
Gaby bounced on the bed “don’t give me that look ok, i haven’t banged him yet so don’t think i did it behind your back, i got the information from Zora”
“That badass?” Gaby nodded
“She had him last night, and we are next on the list, i talked to him already we are having a sex party at his house tonight.”
“Wow so you are skipping the annual pack party just for a sex party?”
“Seriously Mia, that is something for the elders, the younger always look stranded with all the philosophy shit they talk about. Besides being the alphas daughter doesn’t restrict me either, Artemis will take my place, unlike me, she is a good girl”
Gaby lit a  Cigarette  inhaled and released the smoke through her nostrils before passing it to Mia who did the same and passed it back.
“Are you coming or not?”
“Seriously you expect me to deny a nice fuck like that? Oh please”
“Good, we are going there in our wolf form we leave our clothes there in advance, its more if a naked sex party if am not wrong. We are having alcohol, lots of it, good thing tomorrow is a weekend. Then we gang fuck, there is no getting jealous you have whoever you want but we, you, Max, Zora, Kevin, Stella, Edgar and i are having our private room for a good six yummy moment” Gaby grinned “cant wait”
“You are dangerous Gaby.”
“Oh, i am” she stole a kiss from her friend
“Ew” Mia wrinkled her nose wiping her lips “are you a bisexual one?”
Gaby laughed out loud “don’t worry, my charm is just for my mate, bit i might as well have you for dinner”
Mia escaped to the door “oh no you are not, clean up already, the zeta assigned your room will be here any mega to clean your room. Better hurry everyone is down for breakfast”
“Yes boss i will be there”
Mia slipped away and left the room. Gaby dropped back on her bed taking a few puffs of smoke before crushing the Cigerrate . No one knew her secrets, not even Mia. The reason for sleeping with anyone available, the reason she was a drug addict, the reason she didn’t care. No one knew she alone knew. Her mate....she laughed sadly she only knew, it was her secret to keep her worry to worry about. It was her life after all who was to gain or lose if not herself? And did she even care? Barely... She stood up opened the last drawer of the night stand, extracted a syringe and a small clear glass bottle full of a colourless liquid. She filled the syringe and injected it on her neck. She hissed as she extracted the needle and fell back on the bed.
Artemis walked down the stairs in a jumpy manner waving at the maidens working around.
“Good morning ....morning to you beautiful....hello lovely ladies” she kept waving at everyone her eyes fell on.
“Hello beauty... Morning too princess...hello princess...” They all answered her with smiles of adoration and love.
Between her and her sister Gaby she was the most beautiful, loud, noisy and chatty. She had the most enchanting smile, a bright brown hair that matched her wolf when she shifted. It looked like flames on her head. Her greyish almost purple eyes captured everyone’s attention all the time. She loved being commented, being noticed and on top of her pride she was the kindest, the loveliest and the most friendly of them all. She was loved as much as Gaby was the two were the most adored females in the pack.
She was busy yelling greetings at everyone that she didn’t notice the guy standing in front of her. She bumped into him as he was buddy on his phone as well. They swayed performing an odd dance before the toppled to the floor she on him. The impact was so strong that she banged her forehead on his.
“Ow” she hissed rubbing her forehead dreamily.
The young man stared at her with a stupid grin. He was always fascinated by her absent mindedness. She had now entirely forgotten that she was lying on top of someone entirely. She was so engrossed in rubbing her forehead. He watched her silently before pinching her cheek “aren’t you comfortable missy? Will you lie on me forever?”
The familiar voice brought her back to reality. Her eyes widened.
“You? You! Its you Hector! Who else could be this blind?”
“Am i the blind one now? Isn’t it clear you were the one bouncing all over the place? Come on get up”
“So if you weren’t blind as well, what are you doing down there mm?” She raised a brow folding her hands on her chest.
“You are too heavy for me , what do you expect. I can’t bear the weight of you”
She wrinkled her nose “you... You are saying am fat!?”
“No...I didn’t say you are....”
“You are not my best friend anymore!” She pinched his cheek, punched his chest and ran off.
“Hey stop right there!” He groaned in frustration as she kept running off to the opposite side. She was such a kid, she could deny having breakfast just because of a mere assumption. He ran after her just in the to grab her elbow as she was about to enter the mini library.
“Leave me alone you little wolf, i don’t want to see you ever again, you called me fat!”
“Are you for real right now?” He asked in confusion.
“Does my anger look like an imagination ?” She barked at him angrily.
“I didn’t say that, okay then Arty am sorry, sorry for calling you fat, i promise i won’t  call  you fat”
“So you won’t call me fat? Even if am fat!”
“You are not fat at all”
Artemis stared at her best friend for a moment then burst out into laughter.
“I was just kidding” she laughed hard and ran off. Hector watched the retreating figure in pure fascination. He had just been played a fool! And he fell for it blindly.
Wow Arty, that was a good shot, i will get hold of you one day. You won’t like it.
“Mom, hey good morning mama” Artemis hugged her mother from behind all smiles.
“Hey you, jumpy little princess, you never get tired of all this jumping around?”
“Come on mama, am a warrior Princess what do you expect?” She displayed her small limps making Thomas laugh out loud.
She pouted like a kid, “come on papa, you aren’t saying am weak!”
“Did any of you hear me say anything?”
“No papa I didn’t, but the truth will always hurt” Gabriella paused, “like hell”
She finished as she joined the others on the dining table passing her younger sister a playful look.
Artemis stomped her feet and sat down furiously.
“Like father like daughter,  you two are the worst pair!”
Thomas passed Gabriella a knowing look making Artemis even angrier.
“Whatever, where is the Beta?” Artemis asked looking at the empty seat to the far end of the table that was always occupied by Harvey Enzo the Beta.
“I sent him out with the Gamma, they are preparing for the annual party Tonight. We had invited the Southern since we are from the same line of ancestry. Later we are to attend the hand over party during the new year celebrations”
“Hand over party” Gaby asked
“The Alpha wants his second son to take over, he is too old to handle the matters of the pack and besides it’s high time the sons to find their mates as well”
“I thought it is always the first son who wants to take over, I mean it is his right” Arty asked
“Traditionally,yes it is, but the first son doesn’t want the seat, he says his second brother is better to take the place. He just wants to find his mate and have a pack of his own in the far south lands. It is fertile and serene
“They have been through a lot anyway, the Eastern tormented them for years, he was always fighting beside his father for years it is quite normal to have him want peace and serenity for the remaining years he has to live" Samantha added.
“It must be sour for him, I feel sorry for him” said Gaby
“Yeah, I think we are dulling the meal for no reason. We should eat, philosophy is for tonight” Thomas smiled knowing. He was well aware that his two daughters didn’t like talks about philosophy so much.
The family had breakfast peacefully before they all went separate places to carry out their normal activities.
“Your highness, the three southern packs acknowledged your invitation, the Silver Ring pack decline, they have a custom to attend a party with the Reddened sky pack” informed the Gamma
“That is alright, so where is the list of the list of the attendees?”
“Here it is your majesty” said Harvey passing the list to the Alpha.
He silently checked the list of the attendees before returning it back to the Beta.
“Alright, get everything done and set perfectly, I don’t want any mistakes done especially during a party that is ancestral. Tell the Omegas and the Kappas to be very careful and detailed in every aspect” he paused “I hope I won’t have to remind Belinda of the theme. She has a tendency of forgetting things quickly”
“I sent Oprah to help her out” interjected Jalya before leaving the study.
Thomas stood up slowly and walked towards the wide window facing the direction of the hills. A river ran through the hills that were 
“That is good, you may leave Jalya, um Harvey I need to have a word with you for a moment."
“Excuse me Alpha” said Jalya before leaving the study.
Alpha Thomas sighed before facing the window again He watched the hills beyond covered with trees that made a beautiful and serene forest. A river that from long before was named Artemis cut through the trees forming a waterfall and a creek towards the side that was sheltered by the peach trees that flowered throughout the year. He remembered not long ago, just years ago that seemed like yesterday, he do made love to his mate countless times. Those beautiful days when he was young and energetic.
Argh what was he thinking now? About making love, his mate? The Luna? Who knew she was the one, the only one who made him beg? She such a lioness, that made him fall in love with her again and again with nothing to hold him back. That forest, that river he named his daughter after had the most beautiful memories for him. But there was one.... One dark memory that made his Alpha blood boil, that made him snarl even when he didn’t want to. That memory...
“Alpha Thomas... Is anything bothering you?”
He cleared his throat awkwardly “um yeah, I think I will have to hand over as well”
“Hand over? Isn’t it too soon?”
“Not this year, maybe three years or two years from now”
“Oh, that is alright I think, so what is bothering you about it so much?”
“What about her? I think she is good. For the place, she is mature well mannered, knows war strategies and she is very smart”
“I know, but there is one problem”
“What might that be?”
“She is eighteen but she has no mate yet” he huffed and sighed “I have been letting her out a lot of times, she even attended the linking party this year in the middle Kingdom where the altar is situated but she came back, she didn’t find her mate. And she seems not to be bothered by that fact. Soon she will be nineteen, next year of course what are we to do. She can’t handle the second largest pack all alone without a mate. Besides this pack needs an alpha doesn’t it?”
“I see what you are talking about now” Harvey sighed “why don’t we talk to her about it? Maybe she might have met him and he might have reject....”
Alpha Thomas turned to face Harvey with a hard eye his alpha blood boiling seeking submission from his Beta. Harvey bowed slightly, it was never in him to be submissive but giving a hint of his submission was the only thing he could do. Thomas snarled but held himself together. Harvey wasn’t a threat, he had to keep his wolf a bay. It had been stubborn lately especially when he was busy yet he was on his heat period. It gnawed him that he was too occupied to have time with his mate. He sighed calming down.
“That was unnecessary, taming my wolf has been so tough”
“I understand Alpha, you needn’t apologize for anything it was my fault for provoking you. Forgive me Alpha”
“It’s okay, we will talk about this some other time, you are free to attend to your other duties of your concern”
“Yes Alpha Thomas” he bowed slightly and walked off.
Thomas faced the window again, staring at the tarmac road cutting through the trees miles away to the city where most humans resided. His eyes darkened, as the memory attempted to occupy his mind he remembered his mate. Those white smooth and spotless legs. Her alluring beautiful, those hazel eyes and the enchanting smile that left him helpless and all he could see and think of was her. Her soft voice that made every single hair on his body stand alert as if he was being electrocuted. He closed his eyes pressing his forehead against the window pane his eyes shut. This was bad, he can’t have an erection mid morning. He was supposed to go out there and check on the patrol at the border and make sure there was security for the party tonight. The invites were to arrive from noon to late in the evening. This was the worst time to be on heat why? Why this torture, he almost laughed at himself in despair. She was busy, his beautiful wife was busy what was he going to do now?
Was he dreaming about her now this early. He smirked at his foolishness.
“My Alpha...”
No, he wasn’t dreaming. He realised it when he heard the door locking. She was here, his moon was here, his beautiful mate was here. He turned around with a smile his wolf wagging his tail at the toxic scent of their mate. He howled in joy and wanted to tear out of the body and have his mate there and then. How he missed her.
“ Luna” he whispered possessively
Sam smiled, “Alpha Thomas, do you need anything? You look like you were expecting me? Did you miss me?”
“Is that a question Luna? Or you are just teasing me because you can scent my arousal?” He asked taking slow steps to meet her, their gazes holding each other.
“When did you become this shameless Alpha?”
“As soon as I met a beautiful Luna” he held her close intending to make her feel how hard he already was “who made me feel I was beyond the stars”
“New catch up lines, I thought you were too old for that?”
“Don’t be mean Luna, am only forty, am still young” he leaned close to her ear “and energetic”
“That is spicy”
“I always am, especially right now, when you are making me lose focus this early. I can give you a free taste am sure you will love it and maybe be addicted” he snaked his hand around her waist running his nose along her neck and shoulder. His canines grazed on her beautiful skin and it made her shiver. She inhaled sharply as he planted the most sensual kisses on her shoulder and neck. His tongue played with her ear lobe and he kissed her sweetly. She moaned and her breath got caught. Oh, this man, this Alpha he was the end of her. She stepped back, watched his dark eyes and smiled at the look of him.
“You are so beaten Alpha”
“So says the Luna who can tell when her mate is desperately in heat”
“O yeah and it’s too bad you got such a greedy Luna” she approached him closely tripping him and forcing him onto the swivel chair loosening his tie.
“And how greedy is my Luna?”
“More than you think, to the extent of never wanting to taste” she licked his Adams apple and kissed it. His weak spot, and she wanted him waiting to be served as she had planned when she realised he was on heat but too embarrassed to tell her. She split his shirt scattering the buttons all over the place and kissed his tan skin.
“I will never taste what is mine Alpha” she unbuttoned her blouse slowly revealing her blue laced bra. He watched her with lust, she was the end of him. She straddled him.
“I eat, what is mine Alpha, do you have any questions?”
“None my sweet Luna”
“Then sit tight My Alpha, am about to drive you crazy” he grinned as she grabbed his collar and slammed her lips against his.
He smiled in between the kiss. Oh she had no idea how he was addicted to kissing her. Did she? Definitely not or maybe she did and didn’t want to admit it. There was no point in explaining anything, she will understand on her own, when he will hold her like this, let his hands roam on her hips , chest and stomach and kiss her as if there was no tomorrow. Or maybe by holding her close and sucking the two peaks that fed his two daughters to his satisfaction, and kiss that navel before sitting her on the desk and burying his head in her honey pot and lick her folds dry make her hit her climax countless times. Then he drove his shaft in her and muffled her moans with a wild kiss that made her wither in his arms. He pumped into her, oh he was still energetic who would doubt that. Nobody her moans and groans explained everything and the way she lost strength and fell back on the desk submitting herself to him defenselessly explained it. Or the doubters had to witness how she trembled once she hit her climax and knocked the bunches of files off the table. Oh he wasn’t done yet, not yet, what if he turned her around for the second round ha? Who would dare complain? She was his mate oh boy, his sweet Luna. His paradise!
“Hey, Hector. Wait up.”  Waved Arty as she ran after her best friend. “Where are you off to?”
“Am going to town, wanna join?”
“Sure how could you not tell me about it?”
“You pissed me off earlier!”
“I did?” She widened her eyes
Mm and am so mad at you right now. I don’t wanna talk to you!”
“You don’t? But you are my best friend Hector”
“I know, but am so mad right now!” He responded seriously.
“Am sorry Hector, I didn’t mean to do that, I was just teasing you!” Her eyes watered. That was the bad thing about teasing Arty she always cried easily. What a princess.
“Am sorry don’t cry, I forgive you. You said sorry!” He ruffled her fire bright hair.
Hector nodded with a smile. She threw her arms around him happily.
“You are the best best best friend I have ever had. You are the best Hector” she smiled up at him as she stepped back.
“Where is my peck now?”
She tiptoed shyly and kissed his cheek “there”
“We gotta go now, I am shopping for sister Lilly Pulitzer and mom”
OK let’s go”
They both got into the car and drove off
“Hector, I forgot my phone, lend me yours”
“Here” he passed her the phone and focussed on driving.
“Don’t think too much, I was looking for our song” she laughed excitedly connecting the phone to the radio.
“Oh yeah there we go , oh I love love this song oh yeah... legends never die can you hear them screaming...
“They never lose hope...oh yeah... legends never die...oh I love Alan walker...
“Scars collected all their lives...
“Legends never die...oh yeah...never die...legends never die...
“When the world’s crumbled down... begging you to fight... legends never die...
“Gosh, Alan walker is my all time best” Arty screamed happily
“And we are the legends" Said Harvey
“Legends forever... infinity doesn’t define it”
“Oh, it has never princess” said Harvey messing with her hair again. “Here we are Flappy birds mini mall”
“As if it really is mini, this building is so tall” Arty criticized
“Well it is mini, but the funny thing is the name it is given Flappy birds mini mall, like seriously”
“Can’t blame an old wolf who spent his time taking care if birds and writing books about birds”
“Quite a unique interest” said Harvey as he stepped out of the car.
“Here we are, I will give you the list for Lily, and I will shop for mom so we can spare time for the lake view. What do you think?”
“Good idea, off we go” Arty grabbed the list and ran off towards the entrance.

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