Yolanda Vislinskaya

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Raised in Brevoy, young Yolanda was a member of minor nobility that was destroyed in a land grab. She had escaped to the River Nations where she was to live for the rest of her life, losing her lady-like attitude and taking new jobs and other things to support herself that she never saw herself ever doing in her life as she grew to hate the lords of Brevoy. She was taken in by the church of Calistra who had trained her in the many things that she had not known of before and how to use these skills to her advantage.

She was trained with using daggers of all kinds to deliver hideous wounds by aiming for the correct vital places. Yolanda has been training to take down targets with her blades and get a surprise attack before the enemy has even realised she’s there. As she gained skills she wanted to bring these skills to use against the nobles that had struck down her family.

The Sovereign Court had taken notice of her skills and abilities and invited her to join the pathfinder society. The agent had told her about how their organisation has connections to many nobles and she would be welcome to aid them and in turn they would bring the lord to his knees and in front of Yolanda to do whatever she wanted to him and make him suffer as slowly as she wants.

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