Chapter 5 •Trust•

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(Remember any art in this book is mine)

Felix had become persistent in helping Marinette whenever he could and everyone noticed Marinette had tried getting out of it but failed every time causing her dorm mates to laugh. She eventually gave up and just accepted his help she still didn't sleep every night even though she had more time to mainly from habit and Felix noticed this and made sure to check on her when she wasn't asleep.

She noticed that he kept being persistent in helping her and got annoyed about this and whenever she tried to pull away from others he would get mad but never at her.


"Well get to talking explain what you know," Felix said to Plagg and Plagg started explaining her old school and what happened and then he made the mistake of mentioning Lila Rossi Felix looked at him "Repeat that name for me" Plagg realized what he said and then said the name again for him "Lila Rossi?" He said Felix thought for a minute and Google searched her name "How is she not in jail!" He said and then looked at Plagg "How long has she been tormenting Marinette?" He asked and Plagg replied "1-2 years I think" Felix looked shocked and then said, "How is she getting away with this!"

-End of Flashback-

Felix kept a close eye on Marinette and would help her out when she looked frustrated or upset

Marinette had a habit of having breakdowns at night because of all the stress she had on her so Felix would help her through them

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Marinette had a habit of having breakdowns at night because of all the stress she had on her so Felix would help her through them.

Marinette slowly began to trust him and started coming to him for help on her assignments.

"Felix can you help this Geometry assignment isn't making sense to me," Marinette asked and showed him her textbook and pointed out the problem "Oh it's simple you take 22 and subtract it from 7x and then you can divide the 7 and you get the answer" He said showing her the work and how to do it "Oh thanks Felix" She said and turned and smiled at him and continued doing her work.

Felix also monitored how much caffeine she consumed and would tell her when she had enough so she didn't start overworking again.

The others knew that Marinette was definitely closest to Felix but she slowly started warming up to the others.

"Hey Allegra I was wondering if I could get your input on a design I was working on" Allegra looked at her and then looked at the design "It's really good though you could try losing the belt it looks too professional try a ribbon" Marinette thanked her and continued sketching.

Eventually, Marinette got used to them and trusted them enough to form a friendship and decided to hang out with them and Chloe and Zoé and that's when the chaos unleashed.

She invited them up and went to introduce Zoé and then Felix walked out and saw Chloe "Oh you have got to be kidding me," Felix said and Chloe looked at him "Felix! Hello again! Meet Zoé, my half-sister!" Chloe said and Felix's eyes went wide as he said "There's more of you!" Felix said and grabbed a water bottle labeled 'Chloe Defense' "Stay back Bourgeois!" Felix said as Chloe looked at the water bottle "You still have that!" She said laughing some

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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