How they would punish you

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At first, he doesn't realize why you're doing what you're doing, but then he puts the pieces together, and it makes his hands twitch.

He makes you lay across his knees, never needing to ask more than once.

He's going to spank you with his gloved hands and makes you count.

"How many was that?"


"You're not counting properly, either that or you're lying intentionally. I have no idea why you'd do such a thing."

"I'd never say less with the intention of you giving me more on purpose."

"I'm beginning to think these punishments aren't working on you anymore, amore. Let's try something else..."


Won't hesitate to put you on a leash when you step out of line.

When a leash won't work he'll resort to other methods.

Ties. You. Down.

He will step back to admire his handiwork on you, after a moment of staring he forgets your transgressions because of how good you look tied up.

He's lost in the sauce.

"Sweet fucking hells, you've never looked better." Swiss mumbled.

The gag in your mouth keeps you from speaking.

"Remind me, what were you doing that was so bad earlier?"

"Hrmph - " The sound was muffled.

"Shhh, don't talk with your mouth full. Now just stay right there."


When you act up, it flips a switch in his brain.

Picks you up with ease from the side, lifting you bridal style into his arms.

The tightness of his grip on you speaks volumes to his possessiveness.

He scans for an unoccupied room, hells, even a dark corner to take you.

He needs you immediately and he knows you need him just as badly.

"Oh you've done it now, you've got my attention, so let's go." Phantom smirked.

"Phantom, slow down!"

"No. You fired me up now you can bring me back down." He sets you down once you're behind closed doors. "On your fucking knees."

You kneel in front of him, eager to please him after misbehaving.

"Oh fuck, yes, such a good girl, just like that."


Misbehaving is a broad term to this ghoul, in fact, he likes when you're naughty.

Except when you give any attention to his brothers.

Now that is a sure-fire way to pour gasoline on his flames.

He comes up behind you when you least expect it (see where this is going?).

His long fingers wrap around your throat, pressing intentionally on your arteries, your head swooning in seconds.

"Don't go all limp on me yet."

"But, Dew -" you whimper.

"Come on, you know exactly what you do to me. It was intentional, wasn't it?"

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