I study her face closer. She narrows her eyes at me. Sam has her hair up in a ponytail -something that is a rare occasion for her- and her face looks more... beautiful. Her aura feels a little different too, it's almost as if she's gone through some kind of transformation.

"Ange, why are you looking at me like that?" She questions, her voice sounds stronger than usual. Hmm.

"No reason, it's just that you seem... I don't know- different?"

"I didn't tell you?" She furrows her brows.

I look at her, my eyebrows also furrowing and my lips pursing. "Um, tell me what, Sam?"

Her cheeks blush. "I began working alongside Boss. He's given me a position with a lot of work. I've been next to him the majority of my time, I think I replaced his second."

Well that was unexpected. I was going to guess that she'd been feeding more often than usual or that she'd miraculously gotten pregnant -we all know by who- but becoming the second? I couldn't have guessed that in a million years.

"It's hard to believe, I know," she continues, "He does have me on an All-Blood diet, and my schedule is crammed so there is absolutely no time for baby-making." My cheeks get hot with my blush.

               'She got you there.'

I mentally glare at Heara. Sam said it so non-chalantly, it didn't sound like she heard but I'm positive she read my mind.

"Did I mention that I got better with my ability? Now I can channel every other thought out and focus on listening to one person," Sam looks back down at her notebook, writing something as she says, "It's come in handy with a few people."

My foot begins to tap the floor. Is she really reading my mind? Or is it someone else's? Sam sounds so mysterious now, I think being Boss's second has made her qualities expand and her gift for making people uncomfortable and nervous has sharpened to a point. I mean, my hands are sweaty. I haven't said or done anything, except the would've-been kiss, that'll make me guilty. So why do I feel jumpy?

I look up at Sam to find her smirking. Dang it, Sam!

"Oh, that is so unfair!" I tell her. "Now I know you are reading my mind! Sam, I reeeeaaaally hope that Boss ordered you to."

"Of course, he did." She admits, her face showing nothing but poker. "He asked me to get into your head and see if there was anything fishy." Sam tilts her head to the side. She has a look of curiosity and knowing. "Angela," Uh-oh. She only uses my full name when she is being serious. "do you mind telling me who she is?"

"Who are you talking about?" She can't be talking about Heara.

"You know, the girl you speak to in your head." Okay, she obviously knows about Heara. Why do I feel like I'm not supposed to tell her anything? Heara is a part of me and I trust Sam. I shouldn't feel like keeping something close to me away from her.

"Um..." I clear my throat, which suddenly closed up for no reason. "She is.. I guess you can say a second conscious. She didn't appear until I first came here."

"Hmm..." Sam scribbles a little more, tapping the pen against her lip when she finishes to analyze the script. "Does she have a name?" She asks, looking up at me.

"Actually, she does." I tell her. I'm starting to feel more confident talking to her about Heara. I am about to tell her Heara's name when her hand flies up and interrupts me.

Sam cocks her head to the right as if a noise caught her attention. I could see from my bed how her ears perk up. It's kind of creepy when you see that happen on a person. Usually an animal is the thing to perk its ears but in this case, it's Sam.

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