Chapter 1: The Real World and Jyenka

Start from the beginning

Math Homework, Chapter 15C, Overdue

English Homework, 300 word Essay, Overdue

Science Homework, Quiz on Elements, Overdue

"We had English homework?" the boy thought to himself "Crap, Grampa's gonna kill me" He went to power down his computer again but then he saw it, the NerveGear sitting there on his left. The boy paused for a second and then said to nobody in particular "to hell with this." He flopped on his bed, placed the NerveGear on his head and uttered the start-up phrase to power on the device

"Link Start"

A flash of light eclipsed his vision followed by a stream of long, thin rainbow cylinders then the messages letting him know that the NerveGear had engaged all his primary senses, touch, taste, etc. The main menu appeared before him and he tapped on the SAO icon, doing so brought up a prompt saying the device was going to run a scan of his body. The boy pressed the "OK" button and a brief loading screen appeared followed by another prompt that said "DONE!" From there the game went on to the character customization screen.

"let's see here" the boy thought allowed to himself, "nice long blonde hair, make me at least 6'2, I'll take only the best looking jawline, pretty face and a charming smile..." Now there was only one step left, the name. A smile crept across the boys face as he typed the name of his character. "And finally, the name of a badass hero" The boys fingers flew across the virtual keyboard as he input the name "Jyenka" once he pressed confirm the screen warped around him and he was sucked into what looked like a portal, then text appeared before him, words that he'd soon wish he never had to see.

"Welcome to Sword Art Online!"

A blue light flashed before Jyenka's eyes before disappearing to reveal where he was standing. He appeared to be standing in a large town square with a fountain in the middle of it, to his left he could see markets and to his right had a path with what looked to be more residential areas. A massive text in the sky appeared which read:

"Floor 1: Town of Beginnings"

Jyenka looked at his hands and his feet then took a deep breath in and out, in Jyenka's eyes there was no greater feeling than escaping to the virtual world. Jyenka swiped down with 2 of his left fingers and a menu appeared, from there he navigated to the inventory menu to see what starting gear the game had given him. Not to his surprise it wasn't anything special, only basic armour and what looked to be the simplest version of each weapon class. The weapons of choice were swords, spears, rapiers, hammers, 2 handed axes, bows, daggers and what looked to be the new class added to the game with the DLC, the double-bladed sword. Jyenka tapped on the double-bladed sword and the weapon materialized in his right hand, it was larger than he expected as well as heavier but for some reason Jyenka knew this would be his weapon of choice. with a grin he placed his sword in its sheath which was tied around his back and began to walk towards the open field.

"Hah!" "Hup!" "Nyah!" Jyenka swung his doubled-ended blade at a Frenzy Boar, the weakest enemy in the game and missed every single time "Dammit! why can't I hit this guy?" He thought angrily. Jyenka wound back his weapon to take another swing at it when he heard someone yell "Stop!" Jyenka paused and then looked behind him to see a man looking back at him, he had black well-kept hair, sharp green eyes and a muscular figure

"Your doing it all wrong" the man commented.

"And I suppose you know how to do it right?" Retorted Jyenka.

"As a matter of fact I do, watch" he walked up within range of the nearest frenzy boar and readied his weapon of choice, a 1 handed sword. He looked the frenzy boar dead in the eye and took a fighting stance, from there his blade began to give off a green glow and he charged at the enemy "Haaaaaagh!" He shouted as he sliced straight through the boar killing it instantly. Jyenka couldn't help but be amazed at his skill. "I'm sorry, it was rude of me to interrupt."

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