32. The Heartache

Start from the beginning

"Well that just too bad now, isn't it?" Kai glared at him before stalking away.

He made a quick stop to the kitchen where Ann was already preparing the soup for Jennie. She eyed him with question as he took a bowl and poured some of the broth in it, spilling a few drops on the counter. He then grabbed some bread and a bottled water before heading down to the dungeons, all the time not bothering to explain himself.

It was dark, and the odor of rotting rats and God-knew what else was strong and gagging. He grabbed the lamp that sat quietly at the end of the stairs and held it up above his head to search for the brunette.

"What do you want?" demanded a voice in the very first cell.

Kai rolled his eyes and made his way towards it. "Came to see your new digs," he smirked, "Not really much of difference from your real room upstairs, with those painted black walls, and the stink of sex quite heavy in the air."

"Fuck you," she muttered.

"Whatever," he sighed and handed her the food he had brought down with him, hoping it would compensate for his harsh words.

She eyed it wearily before looking at him with suspicion. "What? You really think I'm going to poison you or something?" he scoffed, "Please. You've got to bloody well give me more credit than that."

She stared at him for a moment longer before asking, "Why?"

Kai stared back at her, noting how her eyes looked so bleak and helpless. "I know we haven't exactly treated you like a real family during the years you've been in the clan. You've always been the loner when everyone else had another they can call their friend and their blood," he looked away when a slash of pain crossed her face from the truth in his words, "I guess . . . what I'm trying to say is, we've also made our own mistakes when it came to you."

He took a deep breath and let it out a few seconds later. "We've done you wrong, . . . but we had always kept part ourselves open to you, yet you never took the chance," he continued on, "Jennie, most of all, had tried to keep you close than any of us had ever dared to try . . . "

Diana was silent and she twirled the bottle of water in her hands. "How is she?" she asked quietly.

"A bit on the unconscious side, but she will be on her feet in no time," Kai said, pride in his tone. "I should go," he sighed, "Not supposed to be down here. See you tomorrow then, Diana."

"Kai," she called.


"Will I get your vote tomorrow . . . in the trial?" she asked softly, a bit of hope in her voice.

"No," he answered simply, causing her to bite her lower lip to keep from crying out. "I came down here to give you a bit of sympathy . . . but not my forgiveness," he said, his back towards her, "You still led the pack into danger, Jennie practically died as well . . . and THAT, Diana, is unforgivable."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

A moan from the bed jolted Lalisa out of her inner thoughts and beatings as she came bounding across the room in three quick strides. All the women in the room looked up from what they were doing in time to see Jennie tilt her head to the side as she forced her eyed to flutter open.

"Jennie?" Lalisa asked as she settled herself by the bed and held her small hand.

Jennie groaned again as she tried to open her eyes, ignoring the throbbing pain in her head. But she fought off the overwhelming dizziness that threatened to consume her.

"Take it easy," Lalisa tried to soothe her as she battled her way to complete consciousness.

"Lisa?" she asked in a whisper as her eyes finally opened and was met with her dark brown eyes.

Lisa smiled slightly and held her hand a bit tighter. "I'm right here," she told her.

Jennie shook her head and tried to pull her hand away. "No," she said shakily, "Don't touch me."

Lalisa's heart dropped down to the floor in a bloody mess of utter grief as she watched her with hurt and shock in her eyes. This just couldn't be happening. She didn't mean that. "Jennie . . . "

"Don't," Jennie stopped her before pulling her hand away completely from her grip. "I don't want to hear it," she said, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

She was so wounded, her heart damaged badly from seeing Lisa with Diana . . . from not knowing if she would still want her, especially with the upcoming news of bringing a new cub to the clan. Would she be able to love her . . . as well as their unborn child? And truly mean it? She was so uncertain of everything, so unsure of the future . . . of THEIR future.

And it felt as though she was back to that fateful day when her father died, the complete vagueness of what the future held, the pain of loss upon her back. She didn't know what to do, but she knew one thing, she didn't want to be near Lisa at the moment.

"Jennie . . . " Lalisa tried again but couldn't when she closed her eyes in pain. She wanted to explain herself, to inform her what Diana did, to tell her how much she loved her, and to assure her that everything would be okay.


"Jennie . . . Please," Lalisa said, "I'm sorry," she pleaded.

Jennie stared at her in silence before looking away, curling on her side as she turned away from her. "I'm tired, Lalisa . . . " she told firmly as she winced at the name and how it sounded coming from her tone of voice, "Please . . . just go . . . "

Lalisa sat there, stunned as she looked around the room at the faces that stared at her in sympathy. No . . . she just couldn't push her away like that. They belonged together; they were going to get married.

"Jennie . . . I beg you," she said softly.

"Lalisa," Joyce interrupted, hating the anguish and misery that her child and fiancé were drowning in. "How 'bout you let us finish here, and come back later," she suggested.

Lalisa slowly stood up from her seat on the bed as she stared down at her small and fragile form. Her eyes were closed, but she knew that she was wide awake.

"I love you, Jennie," she said.

But silence was her only reply as she stared at the ground, her soul practically crying out in agony. Lalisa quickly left the room, knowing that if she stayed for a minute longer, she wouldn't have left. So, she walked out the door, with a heartache gripping and tearing at her insides.

Yet if she would've stayed a few more seconds, she could've heard the soft, "I love you," Jennie whispered back to her retreating form. 

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