17. The Teacher

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Jennie stared down at the piece of paper she clutched tightly in her hand as she pushed herself through the throng of students who crowded the halls of Fresno High. Loud chatter and laughter echoed mightily through the passages as she continued onwards with much struggle, much like a fish swimming against the tide.

The bell suddenly rang and seconds later, she was alone in the middle of the hallway with the last echoes of young voices leaving her lost within the school.

"Amm . . ." Jennie looked around and could've sworn there were crickets chirping around the corner. With a heavy sigh she muttered, "Welcome back to high school," and looked up at the numbers of each of the classes to find the one she was to teach.

Back in Pennsylvania, she had gone to the public elementary, middle school, and high school for a while, but she was mostly taught at the mansion with the others and by Arthur. And through all those few months she went there, she should know how to find a class in such a fairly sized high school. It shouldn't take an Einstein to figure it out!

She was growing frustrated. Not only because of her lack of knowledge in where her class was located, but because of the time she had spent crying over Lalisa in bed all night. She wanted to hit herself . . . 'Get over it, Jen. . . It's not you had a good chance anyways.'

"Having problems, Miss McQueen?" an eerie voice behind her asked, causing her to shiver from trepidation.

Jennie turned around and was met with the principle's cold gaze. "I can't find my classroom," she said truthfully, knowing that if she let her pride get in her way, she would be lost within the school halls for centuries after.

"It's the one to your left," Jasper replied coldly.

Jennie looked up and found room 214, right in between a group of lockers with stickers and the school logo covering the ripe cherry colour it originally was. "Right," she said with a tiny laugh, "I knew that."

"I'm keeping my eyes on you, Jennie," he said, purposely using her real name, and pointed at his eyes, "I see all, thus I know all," he added harshly and disappeared as quickly as he materialized.

Jennie glared at his back and childishly stuck her tongue out at him. Feeling a bit foolish at her display, she shook her head with a sigh. "It's too early in the morning for this," she muttered under her breath before taking a deep breath and gazing at the door that would lead her inside the class.

"Here goes nothing," she breathed and stepped into the room.

The class immediately ceased all conversations the moment she stepped inside. A single paper airplane flew towards a young man in the front row, hitting him in the head, but he continued to stay still as all eyes landed upon their substitute.

"Holly shit," one student muttered as jaws dropped and eyebrows rose.

Jennie smiled nervously as the students assessed her. She didn't know what she would expect from a group of young men and women three years younger than her. They would either see her as a responsible adult or a teenager like them. Yet with her attire of a simple white blouse, a black skirt that reached her knees, a pair of black high heels, a silver watch, and thin wired glasses, she hoped she looked more like a grown up.

But in the eyes of the student who sat opened mouthed like fishes out of water, she looked more like a movie star than a teacher.

"Hello, class," she greeted cheerily and turned to face the chalkboard. "My name is Jennifer Ruby Jane-McQueen," she said, writing it down in her big loopy handwriting, "You can call me Jennie."

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