Razor X Bennett

53 0 1

R= Razor B= Bennett

Angst: ★★★..

Fluff: ★★...

Lime: fuck you <3


Bennett sitting next to the Windrise tree. Watching it rain.

"It always rains when I go here... I wonder what it looks like without the rain..." B

Bennett sits there. Reflecting on everything he had been called. Yelled at about. Not realising that a fatui is aiming it's gun thing at him.

Bennett hears a thud and electro nearby.

"Huh?" B

Bennett investigates and sees a dead fatui gunner. And razor.

"Bad guy. Want to hurt lupical." R

(Please tell me I spelt that right)

"Oh. Uh. Thanks Razor.. I wasn't expecting them... Nor was I expecting someone to save me..." B

"I save lupical" R

"Yeah I know... Thank you..." B

Razor grabs Bennetts wrist and runs to wolvendom

(I swear to hell if I didn't spell that right imma 💁🔫)

"Lupical safe here." R

"Thanks I guess..." B

Bennett watches Razor grab a bunch of wolfhook berries. And when he says his a bunch he means as much as his person can hold...

"What are you getting those for?" B

"Lupical hurt. Hunters bad." R

"Oh." B

Bennett thought it was kinda cute that razor cared about his family and kinda hot that he actually saved him from death he didn't even know was gonna happen.

Razor rushed to his home. Which was a cave. And Bennett followed. He was greeted with violent hurt wolves. He understood why they were violent and he tried to help them and also seem as small as possible to show he isn't a threat. Which somehow worked.

Bennett got whacked by one of the wolves whilst he was trying to help them

"Ow! Dammit I'm not trying to hurt you!" B

"Lupical okay?" R

"Well I hope it is now- then my efforts wouldn't be wasted." B

"No. Bennett okay?" R

"O-oh.! I'm okay Razor." B

Bennett kept treating the wolves. Not really giving up despite the amount of times he got absolutely K.O-ed

He ended up being more hurt than the wolves before.

"Bennett-" R

"Yes Razor?" B

Razor walked up to Bennett and forced him to the floor. And starts licking the wounds to clean them. Bennett didn't mind the smell. He knew Razor wouldn't really know how to take a bath.

"R.. Razor-" B

"Hm?" R

"... Nevermind." B

Razor took care of Bennetts wounds and they cuddles with all the wolves. The next day Bennett completely forgot to visit Barbara and was very confused about all the concerned looks by his dads and peers


Oh ho ho.. 422 words. Yes I kept the 'and peers' to keep it away from 420. Don't sue me please.

genshin gay oneshots igTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon