Chapter 21: Planet Zulo

Start from the beginning

"Let's see here ... Zulo." King San said. "Let me try to give you the coordinates in earth terminology. It says you'll keep a bearing of FW-fifty-six, hold on wait, that's not right. Maybe this is it; try this: SU-twenty-three by five zero four-five-AX... yeah try that one." 

Back on Earth:

"Wait I want to be sure I heard right." Dr. Stylish said. "You said five zero four five-AX?" 

"You understood that?" Chelsea said. "I'm glad someone did... I'm so fucking lost here."

"Okay hold on. I'm going to do some math." Stylish said. 

In the Spirit Realm:

"As I recall, Planet Zulo was a marvelous planet and very healthy ecosystem as well." King San said. "It was populated by many, many Zulians. But a long time ago there was a major change in the planet's climate caused a deadly hurricane it almost wiped the Zulians out completely."

Back on Earth:

"Alright cool the Books are gone, big whoop. Can we be done here?" Seryu said. 

Esdeath slapped Seryu on the head.

In the Spirit Realm:

"Don't jump to conclusions." King San said. "We don't know what it's like on Planet Zulo these days. Let me check."

King San began to feel out the Planet's life force.

"I found it." King San said.

Back on Earth:

"I see the big picture here." Esdeath said.  "I'm guessing the since there are RongoRongo Books on earth and there are allegedly more on this planet called Zulo; a zulian must've made their way to earth over a hundred-thousand years ago and made more Books with Murasame's poison." 

"But I don't get it." Leone said. "It doesn't make any sense. If the RongoRongo Books can grant any wish and if they made them, couldn't they like wish their climate normal again maybe all of the Zulians wouldn't have died."

"I doubt that would've worked, Leone." Mine said. "We asked the for riddance of the Tuffles. But the RongoRongo Books have limits. Limits that probably are the reason we are in the mess in the first place."

"Then what good are they then?" Seryu shrugged. "We might as well not even bother with them then."

In the Spirit Realm:

"I found more Zulians!!!" King San shouted. "There's at least a thousand; not nearly enough as before but they are flourishing for sure."

Back on Earth:

"Wait there's hundreds of other people like Akame!" Wave said, freaked out.

In the Spirit Realm:

"No, don't worry. They're not exactly like her. Zulians are peaceful and harmless they only fight when necessary or when they are provoked." King San said. 

Back on earth:

"Oh, thank god!" Wave sighed.

"So, there isn't anything stopping us from getting to Planet Zulo to bring everyone back to life!" Chelsea cheered.

"You guys are so naive." Seryu said. "Have any of you even considered a way of getting there?"

"A spaceship obviously, dumbass." Mine said.

"I just checked how long it would take us to get to Planet Zulo." Dr. Stylish said. "Well, guess, never mind; you probably would even come close. It would take us over five thousand four hundred forty-nine years."

"Yeah, I was worried about that to." Chelsea said. "Something was bugging me about the space pod Kyro used. Then it hit me, it was so small; barely big enough for one person. There's no way both Tuffles came to earth in the same pod, that means the other Tuffles' space pod is still right where he landed it."

"Yeah, you're right." Tatsumi said. "Maybe we could find the one that Ryzer came here in."

"Uh dad. I destroyed that one, remember? TJ chuckled sheepishly.

"Oh yeah right. That's my boy." Tatsumi said as Mine smiled looking at her son and boyfriend.

"One alien spaceship might be enough. I can't say for sure until I see it, but I can figure something out." Dr Stylish said.

"It's probably somewhere south of the Capital." Leone said. " It was the first place destroyed when the Tuffles arrived. We'll have to look for it another time." 

"Or we can just use this." Chelsea then whipped out the remote control that Kyro left behind. "I saw Kyro use this to summon his space pod he left on the battlefield. I thought this might come in handy."

Dr. Stylish then snatched the remote control from Chelsea.

"Yes!! This is perfect!" Dr. Stylish cheered. 

"To Planet Zulo!!" Everyone cheered except Seryu, who could care less.

"Good." Esdeath mumbled. 

Esdeath then stepped out of the Revolutionary HQ Hospital Room.

"Umm, Commander Esdeath? Where are you going?" Kurome asked.

"I just need some fresh air; it's been a hectic day." Esdeath quickly responded as she left the room.

"No, those Books are mine. He will pay with his blood and his life as I get my revenge." Esdeath said as she left the Revolutionary HQ. "That evil fucking bastard will die by my hands." 

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