Mack: Lookin sharp Sav

Savanah: Oh my goodness if it ain't my first ever baby

Mack walked over and hugged her older sister. Now it's her time to go and find her Momma and the boy she considered her baby.

Mack: I'll be back I gotta go find my baby

Savanah: You're gonna need a horse he spends his days in the pasture riding horses

Mack ran to her truck and grabbed her Appaloosa and put its saddle on before she walked past the barn.

Savanah: Where you win that beauty

Mack: It's was a gift from a cowboy

Mack climbed on her horse as Grizzly opened the gate for her. She shut it behind her aunt and Mack too off looking for her brother.

Mack: Drew

Drew: Hey Mack

She leaned over and hugged the boy she practically raised till she left.

Mack: How are you baby

Drew: Good as ever

Mack: Oh really then why are you always out in the field

Drew: Ok life ain't been too good

Mack: I know Drew I know

Drew: Take me with you

Mack: Drew...

Drew: You raised me more than Momma ever has

Mack: I know

Drew: Come on I'm 17

Mack: And you have 4 more months to move out

Drew: then where will I go Savanah and Emery will stay here with Momma and where will I go

Mack: I don't know Drew where do you wanna go

Drew: I can't go out of state all because I don't wanna drive all the way back here if something happened to Emery or Savanah

Mack: I know baby I know... I wish you could come with me but the ranch I work at will put you in a place that I don't want you in

Drew: Then why do you work there

Mack: Cause I've been saving up for a house for us so that once you were old enough we could put our money together and buy this place or a place out in Montana with our horses

Drew: Alright

Mack: I've gotta get back to the house... you should be headin back soon too the sun will be settin soon enough

Drew just nodded as he watched the girl who he called his best friend and mother ride off to the house. She cleaned her horse off and put him away in the trailer before she walked up a small hill to the house she once called home. She walked in only to see her mother waiting for her on the couch.

Momma: I always knew you'd come back

Mack: I'm not here for good I just wanted to swing by and see my kid

Her Momma wasn't too happy about the she stood up and Mack got a clear glance of the whiskey filled cup.

Momma: Fuck you just say to me girl

Mack: I raised Drew and you know that you don't even deserve the title of a mother not even to me Savanah raised me more than you did

Her mom finish the glass of Whiskey. She knew what was gonna happen and she wasn't afraid she was ready to fight back too. She wasn't scared until Drew and Grizzly walked in.

Mack: Guys go find Savanah

Grizzly: No I'm not leaving you

Mack: Go find your Momma now Grizzly tell her Auntie needs help

Grizzly took off down the hill and to the barn. Mack looked at Drew as if she was trying to tell him to leave.

Drew: I'm not moving

Mack became terrified for her brother's life.

Momma: I've done everything in my fucking power to raise you guys it's not my fault that you all turned against me

Mack started yelling hoping she throw the glass more her way than Drew's.

Mack: You abused me and Savanah... me and you got into full blown knock down drag outs cause you tried to hit Drew that's not ducking parenting

Their mother was mad and upset she had tears in her eyes. Mack pushed Drew behind her. As the glass shattered against the wall Grizzly and Savanah opened the door. Mack didn't waist anytime jumping at her mother and throwing a punch. They threw punch after punch at each other till her mom was tired out.

Mack: Work on the fucking Ranch by yourself and Sav along with Em decide to stay so help me god if I get a call that you laid a hand on them I'll drive my ass here from Montana just to kill you

Momma: Gosh look what your daddy has done to you

Mack: My daddy ain't done shit

Drew: What's she talking about

Mack: Drew I'm not fully related to you we have different dad's

Momma: And her's live in Montana that's why she refuses to come back

Mack: That ain't why an you fuckin know it

Momma: Then why don't you come back baby

Mack: Cause you're an abusive price of shit and I live a better life in Montana since I was 16 than I ever had here

Her mom swung at her again makin them go back at it. Her mom got her to the ground and threw punch after punch. Mack flipped them over pinning her mother to the ground. Mack yelled in her face.

Mack: Don't fucking touch any one of these kids a fucking gain you stupid son of bitch

Mack threw one more punch before she stood up and backed away from the woman.

Mack: Sav you got an extra room at your place

Savanah: Yeah

Mack: Can Drew stay with you

Savanah: Yeah but I don't know why you don't take him with you

Mack: The life I live Sav ain't made for a boy who don't live the teenage life that I lived

Savanah: So that's it you beat the shot out of Ma and then you leave

Mack: I didn't plan on beating her she threw a punch at me first

Savanah: And yet you're still leaving

Mack: I have a job that I need to get back to

Savanah: The rodeo or are you just sayin that so that you can go back to your daddy

Mack: Actually I live and work on the Dutton ranch with just about 11 other cowboys and 1 cowgirl and one of them boys being my daddy and another bein the love of my life

Grizzly: Auntie I don't care if you leave and I see that you don't have a ring on your finger but if you marry this fucker I better meet him before

Mack: Where do you get your mouth from jeez oh fuckin petes

She hugged them all goodbye and walked over to her momma who was now standing. Her mom hugged and when she let go threw one more punch at her.

Mack: You bipolar bitch

Mack walked out and made sure her trailer was shut the right way and then she got in her truck and left. After another long drive she finally made it back to the barn. She was beaten and bruised she could've save the questions and weird stares by washing her face off before she left her Momma's but she wanted to show everyone who questioned why she left her home at a young age to know that this was the reason.

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