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Today they were fixin the fence. Rip wasn't to happy the his spot as Foreman has been take by Kayce so he was snapping at everyone.

Mack: So when are we going cause we sit here any longer and we won't have much time

Rip: Mack do you ever shut the fuck up jeez

Mack wasn't too happy she jumped down off her horse and looked at him.

Mack: The fuck did you just say to me

Rip jumped off his horse getting in Mack's face.

Rip: You heard what I said

Mack: You better back the fuck up

Rip: What are you gonna do huh Mack

Mack didn't hesitate to throw a punch into the right side of his jaw. Rip stepped back a little not wanting to hit a woman who has been in his life for so long. Mack kept pushing against Rip.

Mack: Come one Rip you say that if we wanna fight someone to fight you well I've wanted to fight someone for a real long time

Rip: I'm not gonna hit you

Mack rolled her eyes.

Mack: I've got a fuckin rodeo to get ready for

Rip: Ain't no rodeos in town

Mack: Maybe not in town but I ain't waistin another heated moment with you

Mack took her horse to the barn and cleaned it up and stuck it in its stall till she was ready to load it and leave. She could hear everyone outside ride off. She went to the bunkhouse and packed something that she would need for the weekend. Once she was packed she had loaded her truck and hooked up her trailer. She put her horse in the trailer along with the saddle and the cover for under the saddle. Before she knew it she saw Ryan riding up to her faster than ever. He jumped off his horse and quickly tied it to a post before he ran over to Mack.

Mack: Yes Ry-

She was cut off by his lips colliding with hers. They soon pulled away catching their breath.

Ryan: Sorry I just just had to do that before you left

Mack: Could've done it when I came back

Ryan: Well I didn't know if your boy Walker would beat me to it

As if it was on cue Walker came riding up. Mack climbed up into her truck after making sure her trailer was shut all the way.  Mack pulled out of the drive way and made her way to Texas. And after one hell of a long drive she finally got there. She stopped at a hotel not too far from the rodeo and got herself a room. She washed up and went to bed. The next morning she left and went over to the rodeo. She met up with a few other barrel racers. They raced and then hung out and watched the rest of the rodeo. They had a few more days and then they were headed to another one. The next few days were just the same. After the rodeo. On her way home Mack took a detour and went through Nebraska. She ended up at a small ranch... Her mother's ranch. She took a minute and hesitated before she pulled down the long gravel driveway. When she came to a stop and got out she was greeted by a little kid yelling her name. Mack picked her up and spun her around.

Mack: Howdy Grizzly

The girls name was Emery but Mack had her own name for the girl. Mack called her grizzly cause she loved bears and she reminded Mack of herself when she was younger. Strong, fierce, brutal, and fighting for her family.

Griz: Hi auntie

Mack: Where's Momma

Griz: Stables

Mack put the girl down and headed for the stables to see the girl who claimed that Mack was her baby before Grizzly came along.

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