Even Flowers Keep Secrets

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Cloud shut his eyes again, but he was far from drowsy thanks to Barret's merciless snoring and his racing thoughts. He rolled his head to the side, scrutinizing Red XIII in the dark; he, too, was fast asleep. Everyone probably was—everyone except him.

He alternated between staring at the ceiling and the inside of his eyelids for twenty more minutes before sitting up. Cloud exhaled deeply. Thoughts of her consumed him; he could still envision the feeling of her kiss against his cheek.

She was so damn frustrating sometimes. Was everything a joke to her?

A muffled crash from downstairs tore him away from his 2 a.m. thoughts; swiftly jumping into action, Cloud seized the Buster Sword and crept stealthily down the stairs to investigate the noise.

He scanned the dimly lit area and found only Elmyra quietly grumbling to herself as she picked up shards of glass off the kitchen floor. Cloud relaxed and put away his weapon. There were no threats in sight, only an agitated Gainsborough.

Cloud quietly approached Aerith's mother; he kneeled, assisting her with the leftover mess. Startled, Elmyra jolted before chuckling, "I can see how you got your job! You're very covert, Mr. Strife."

He noticed blood on her left hand, "You're hurt."

"Perceptive too," she remarked, inspecting the wound as she rose. "I, on the other hand, am not as nimble. Clearly."

Cloud smirked briefly. Elmyra dabbed at the cut with a paper towel. "How bad is it?" he asked.

"Oh, it's nothing," she laughed, "Just a teeny cut. I'm sorry for waking you. You go on up and get back to bed."

Cloud's gaze wavered on Elmyra's hand, "You didn't. Couldn't sleep."

Elmyra tossed the used napkin in a bin, "Something on your mind?"

"No," Cloud answered quickly, "Just...not tired."

"Hm," the older woman seemed doubtful. She passed him and sat down at the table. "Well, if there is, I just happen to be a great listener who's also not tired."

Cloud folded his arms as Elmyra's words echoed in his mind. You guys made a trade—a normal life for power. It was the price of being an ex-SOLDIER.

As if mind-reading ran in the family, Elmyra's expression softened, "I was wrong to ask you to leave that day Aerith brought you home. That wasn't my call to make."

Cloud met her gaze, surprised by the sudden apology. He shook his head, "No reason to be sorry. I get it. I'm dangerous."

"You saved my little girl's life. You brought her back home to me," Elmyra smiled, but her eyes appeared sorrowful, "I'm not sure how much she's told you about her first love—he was a SOLDIER."

She hadn't divulged much; Aerith spoke briefly of an MIA SOLDIER she cared for the night she escorted Cloud back to Sector 7. Her mother frowned, "He broke her heart; whether he went AWOL, died, or abandoned her, it shattered her. I just...didn't want to see her get hurt again. I hope you can understand."

He did. Even when he wanted to defy the concerned mother's demands, he ultimately respected her wishes because Cloud knew her worries were valid. He nodded.

The following day, after breakfast, Cloud accompanied Tifa to the clearing to train. Barret planned to spend the day with Marlene, while Aerith and Red would assist Elmyra in the garden.

The pent-up merc was eager to blow off some steam; the sparring partners took their positions, first focusing their efforts on close-combat drills. They exchanged very few words during their practice session.

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