Chapter 3

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As he entered into the warm house Mars stopped at the door and kicked off his boots. Immediately he recognized the face of his best friend and rushed forward.

“Miiirrriiii!” He cried ecstatic, “Miri! Hi! It’s me Mars!”

Miri seemed to have been sweeping the floor in the corner of the room. But when she saw Mars she dropped her broom in surprise and was tackled into a hug. Dazed for a moment, her eyes were glazed in confusion. But that was quickly replaced by a sweet smile.

“Haha! Hello Mars, nice to see you again!” Miri said. She and Mars laughed as they embraced each other for a moment, and Yamanoue couldn't stop himself from grinning at the wholesome sight despite everything on his mind.

Miri then untangled herself from Mars and turned to Yamanoue, greeting him with a bow. “Oh! Hello doctor! I ought to go tell Papa you arrived.” And she went off upstairs.  As she turned her back Mars winked at Yamanoue.

“Ohh… your boyfriend is coming.” He teased.

“...And I’m really looking forward to being with him.”

After a minute they heard frantic footsteps as a clearly unprepared Kawashimo rushed downstairs accompanied by his daughter. Panting and huffing as he approached his visitors he nervously brushed himself off and combed through his hands with his fingers.

“Good afternoon Mars, Melchi and-” He paused, “Yamanoue-kun.”

His voice was a bit shaky, full of adoration, even sitting Yamanoue was still much taller and handsome. His moody black eyes like a sea of ink, dressed sharply in his suit as usual…

Kawashimo was taken aback by Yamanoue, even though he was expecting him he was still so small, weak and powerless in front of him. Trembling, overwhelmed by his beauty. He was a defenseless rabbit in the piercing gaze of a mighty wolf. He slowly inched forward, trying to hide his desires from Mars who as far as he knew, was  completely clueless. He bowed deeply and held out his hand to be shaken. Expecting a formal greeting from his stoic partner. What he was not expecting however was for Yamanoue to lean forward, bend down, and kiss him on the lips. It wasn’t just a quick peck, in fact it lasted for several blurry seconds, allowing him to take in the taste of whiskey on Yamanoue’s surprisingly soft lips. The creases on his well-aged face that was still as handsome as it was thirty years ago. The smell of tobacco on his soft jacket, the rarely seen haze of affection in his eyes.

Slowly with a low moan Yamanoue pulled out and smirked as his eyes were still fixated on Kawashimo.

Kawashimo took a second to fight away the blissful trance the sudden display of intimacy had caused and adjusted himself back to reality. When he realized where he was and who was watching he yelped.

“Yamanoue-kun! Your… your sons are here! They..’’

“They know about us now. I told them before we came, they understand.”

Kawashimo looked behind him to find that Mars was smiling. He certainly didn’t look surprised or confused at all. He was expecting it, Melchi had expected it too from what he could tell.

“My love, they know. I don’t want to hide myself anymore, I just want to be with you.”

Kawashimo was silent for a moment as he absorbed this information. After all these years…

Then he began to cry. From joy. Not soft weeping or anything poetic like that. Full on ugly crying, with snot and tears and loud unhinged sobs. Very ugly, human. Even so, Yamanoue still thought Kawashimo was the most amazing man he’d seen. So calm, so sweet. He wanted to show his love without hiding anymore. That way, they could finally all be together, as a family.

“I… I… Is this a dream darling?” He asked, wiping his face.

“No. You're wide awake, and it’s lovely isn’t it? You want more, I can tell.” Yamanoue’s tone took on a slightly seductive edge, “You desire me, don’t you Kawashimo-kun? Well I’ll give myself to you, I’m yours.”

Kawashimo looked about ready to faint, trying to articulate a response. Miri watched on with concern that he’d fall right over as she ran to him and held him up. “That's ridiculous I can’t-I can’t own you. That’s immoral.”

“Do I look like the kind of man who cares about that crap anymore? Take me, take all of me.” 

“Mister Yamanoue, there are children here. Myself included.” Chided a flustered Miri.

Yamanoue nodded, “Right, right. My apologies, and besides Mars isn’t even looking.”

The group turned their attention to Mars and Melchi, who had climbed atop a bookshelf in the living room.

“Jetter Mars you get down from there RIGHT NOW!" scolded Yamanoue. Kawashimo bolted to the shelf and tried to get them down, but obviously wasn’t tall enough.

“BAKARUCHI!” yelled Melchi angrily as he picked up an incredibly heavy book and tried to throw it. But Mars swiped it out of his hands, and then grabbed the squirming and crying baby. He jumped off and landed right onto his feet.

“Why were you up there?” Kawashimo asked, sounding more baffled than angry.

Mars shrugged, “I dunno. I was bored and wanted to see what was up there.”

The others sighed and paused, looking at each other for a second. It wasn’t really surprising, everyone was used to Mars and his antics. Kawashimo looked at Yamanoue with an expression that said: I’m a bit annoyed, but I love them. They’re so innocent, and carefree.

And Yamanoue agreed.

Later at night, after a nice dinner and some catching up, Kawashimo hung up his jacket and plopped down on his bed, Yamanoue was laying next to him, his head propped up on a pillow. He smirked as he stared at his partner. Kawashimo giggled and blushed like a schoolgirl, giving Yamanoue a kiss on the cheek.

“I feel so young around you. Like I’m frozen in time.” Whispered Kawashimo in his lover’s ear, giving him another little kiss.

“Me too. I forget about everything that’s happened… you know.” Yamanoue paused looking down at his useless, limp legs and scowling.

“Oh my poor darling.” Said Kawashimo, “I wish I could just take all your scars and pain away. You’ve been through so much, taken all this sorrow. I can’t even begin to understand it.”

“You always have said that. The most anger and vitriol I’ve ever seen in your eyes and heard through your voice was on that one night…"

“Yes, I remember how we met in that field- I don’t even know where- and I saw the bruises on your arms and face. And for a whole hour I wept for you, and then in a moment of rage I announced I wanted nothing more than to take the lives of both your parents. Because they were the ones who harmed you.” Kawashimo took a second before he continued, “And I still do, even though they’re long dead sometimes I wish I could've made them suffer even a fraction of the pain you had.”

Usually to hear that the pacifistic and loving Kawashimo wanted to murder someone would have been a shocking revelation. For anyone who wasn’t Yamanoue, who felt he knew the man more than himself sometimes. “I know ,and I admire you’d do something like that just for me, but I don’t need vengeance. I just want to spend the rest of my years with you, living a peaceful life.”  He rolled himself over and hugged Kawashimo, enveloping him with his towering and warm body. And like that they stayed for the whole night.

Adjustments- A Jetter Mars Yamanoue x Kawashimo fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now