Chapter 29

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The air whooshed through his hair, ruffling it as Harley's stomach rose, plummeted, rose, and plummeted once again. He felt like he was going to be sick. But Peter laughed, swinging them and doing flips, holding onto Harley as he did so. 

"Peter, I'll kill you!" Harley shouted, his voice hoarse. 

"I'd like to see you try!" Peter yelped out and Harley screamed as they nearly went flying into a bricked building. 

Awkwardly, Peter managed to land them on a roof. 

"Are you kidding me?" Harley stabbed a finger in Peter's direction. "We could've been Stark pancakes right now!" 

"I thought you said you wanted to try swinging." Peter pulled off his mask, revealing a pout and his wide, Bambi brown eyes. Harley had to look away, and Peter grinned in satisfaction. "Anyway, it was fun! You can't deny it." 

"It was not. Never, ever do that to me again." Harley shuddered. "I felt like I was going to fall down and hit the pavement and have my insides spilled out." 

"It wouldn't be that dramatic," Peter argued. "Maybe a couple broken bones, but I would've caught you, anyway." 

Harley rolled his eyes. "Let's get back before Dad notices," he said. "He won't be happy when he notices we left without telling him." 

"So we have to get back fast, yeah?" Peter asked with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. 

"Yeah...why are you looking at me like that?" 

Peter lunged at him, and started to swing back to Stark Tower. 

"Peter! I was thinking about a taxi, not this!" 


Words: 263

Lol, I'm sorry, I don't even know what this chapter was myself, especially the ending. But I like it, though, and I feel like it was funny. 

Was it funny? 

Anyway, this chapter is ALSO dedicated to Fanficthor! I hope you liked this!! 

If any of you want something specific in this part of the story, let me know! 

We gotta make baby Pete experience all the good things in the world, amiright or amiright??!? 

Remember to vote! 

And share! 

And commentttttt! 

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