Chapter 16

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TONY STARK stared at his son. 

His son. Peter. 

His eyes were closed, eyelashes against his skin. There were some bruises on his face, some faded and some new. He looked so different from the little baby Tony had once held in his arms, but he knew, from some fatherly instinct, that it was his son, Peter Parker Stark.

He was lying on the bed, face pale, his bandages red from the bullet wound in his chest. His face was peaceful, and Tony was selfishly happy; he didn't think he could handle it if he saw his baby in pain. 

"I love you," Tony said quietly, his hand finding its way to Peter's. 

The door opened, and Harley poked his head inside. "Can I...?" he asked awkwardly. 

"Come in," Tony replied, smiling sadly. Harley walked in quietly, sitting in the chair next to his dad. "How are you, Harls?" 

"I'm...okay," Harley said quietly. "We weren't there for long, I think. It wasn't really bad. The worst things happened to Peter." 

"And these?" Tony brushed a hand against his son's bruises. "Who did this to you?" 

"Um." Harley winced. "Peter did." 

"Peter—?" Tony glanced down at his sleeping son. He looked back at Harley. "It's a long story, isn't it?" 

Harley nodded in agreement. "Natasha knows some of it," he said thoughtfully. "Didn't she tell you?" 

"Natasha?" Tony leaned forward. "Nat hasn't come back from her mission yet. To be honest, we haven't heard from her in four days." 

A feeling of dread uncurled in Harley's stomach. "Dad...Natasha's mission was to find out who Peter was. Peter's right here. She should've been back days ago." 

"It's probably fine," Tony consoled, though he worried too. "Maybe something came up." 

"I don't think so, Dad," Harley whispered. "I have a feeling." 

"A feeling?" 

"I think Aunt Nat is in danger," he said. "Something's wrong, here. Really wrong." 

~ Lyn 

Words: 316

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