Part 1: The Winter Spider

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His eyes closed as he fought through the pain, trying hard to not let it show on his face. In his twelve long years at HYDRA, one of the many things he'd learnt was to not show emotions. In twelve years, Winter Spider had mastered an excellent poker face.


He gritted his teeth, biting the inside of his cheek softly as he felt something digging in his brain—emotions left him as he heard the hums of the machines around him, trying to focus on the soft noise instead of the unbearing pain.


His thoughts left him—what had he been doing again? He felt his thoughts, his confusion, seep through his brain, leaving him, leaving his mind blank.


And gone—what he had been thinking was gone though the broken cracks in his mind. His face twisted into a stern, impassive face—the face of an assassin. His back straightened, his arms slack as he responded in perfect Russian.

"Ready to comply."

Through the hazy focus in his vision, he could see the pleased smile on the scientist's face. "Welcome back, Winter Spider," said the strange man. 


Words: 190 

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