Nekohime Miyuki (Boku no hero academia)

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Name:Nekohime Miyuki



Birth place:Kyoto

Love interest:Jigen Arata(Boyfriend)

Afflitation:Fushimi hero academy's student

Voice actor:Fairouz Ai

Personality:Nekohime is friendly person who smiles a lot, but sometimes she could give rude comment without knowing. It was shown in UA school festival when she med Mineta and commented his pervertness completely knocking him out. Nekohime is quite extrovert person and likes to be with her friend, but she never express her sadness to other. Even thought Arata could always see through her cover and know her suffering. Nekohime very optimistic and trustful to her friend. It was shown Paranormal liberation arc. When she was sent to the frontline,but she didn't get nervous like Kaminari. When Kaminari ask her why she could be so calm she answered, because I trust people we are fighting alongside.

Background:Nekohime,Kirikage,Jigen and Mochizuki have been friend since elementary school. She didn't though she would become hero before meeting them. After spending time with them she got inspired by them and decided become alongside with them after the decision she began train with them. During the second year of junior highschool she got confessed by Arata which she gladly accepted and they end up together. After grauduated from junior highschool she went to same highschool's hero course as Jigen. Now she is working as trainee at xxx agency. During the UA school festival arc she went to UA's schools festival to meet Shiro. As usual she was showing her friendly personality and befriended with class 1-a people quickly.

Heroname:White nightmare


Description:Nekohime's quirk grant her all abilities of snow leopard as better vision, hearing and smells, enhance agility, tail and claws.


Fighting style:Close combat


Enhance agility

Enhance vision

Enhance hearing

Enhance smell

Demi beast form:Miyuki's quirk give her abilities to transform into demi beast form. In the beast form her hand will turn into snow leopard's pawn and her legs turn into snow leopard's legs.

Beast instict:Beast instict gives Miyuki abilites to sense danger and make her five senses sharper than usual human.


Acrobat:Nekohime is an skillful acrobatic. She started to play acrobatics at young age.

Hero costume:

Hero costume:

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-She likes to visit haunted houses at amusement park.

-Her family are running izayaka at shopping district.

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