The Boy who Cried Chrysalis

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I entered the Great Hall and sat down next to Lily.

"Hey, Lils."

She grinned at me.

"Hey, Marsha!"

Ruby plopped down on the other side of me.

"Hi Marsha!"

"Whose that?" Lily asked.

"This is Lily Ruby Oswin, but I call her Ruby.

"Nice to meet you, Ruby."

"You too, Evans."

Lily frowned at the use of her last name, but didn't comment. Ruby saw her discomfort, though, and dropped the last name basis thing.

"Lily, guess what Marsha di-"

"Marsha, why is your nose bleeding?"

I turned to Ruby, and she launched into explanation.

"Well, you see, the Marauders were telling Marsha here very rude things, and even told her to kill herself, so I punched James in the face, and then Marsha dragged me off. Then they came back and even though Marsha had nothing to do with it, Sirius punched her really hard in the face. She didn't even cry. Then she was all like 'you don't understand, you think words don't hurt, blah blah blah.' her speech was too long and awesome for me to repeat. And now here we are."

Lily looked at me in surprise.

"You stood up to the Marauders?"

I grin and see her wince slightly, but I don't care. I'm also used to people wincing at my smile.

"Yeah, I did."

She beamed and I felt envious of her.

"Good job! Not even half of the female population in Hogwarts could do that!"

The Marauders then chose that moment to sit down in front of me and smirk.

"Hey, Grey, this is just a little sorry gift." James said, handing me a ruby red apple, but I could see the green sprinkles on it.

I snapped my fingers and the tiny sprinkles disappeared as I bit into it.

"Delicious. Thank you, James."

He frowned.

"B-But.. Wha?"

I looked at him innocently.

"What? Was there something wrong with the apple?"

"No." Sirius said quickly, dragging James off, the other two marauders following.


"Why didn't it work! It couldn't have been non verbal or wandless magic.. We don't learn those for ages!" I sighed, sitting next to Sirius.

"Don't worry mate, maybe it just takes a few seconds to kick in." Sirius said.

I nodded.

"Yeah, that's the case."

I looked over at Grey. She was still sitting there, munching happily on the apple whilst speaking to my Lily pad, and another girl I don't know the name of. Nothing happened, and by now the effects should've kicked in. I turned to Sirius and raised an eyebrow.

"Alright, alright, I was wrong. Don't look at me like that, Prongs."

I glared at him and turned back to my food.

"Padfoot, remember a few days ago, what did you mean when you said Marsha was Chrysalis Adams?"

"I meant no one knows what she looks like, so there's a possibility."

I rolled my eyes.

"She had red hair."

"Yeah, but that might not have been Chrysalis. It might have been that other girl Grey's talking to. I think her name is Lily Oswin.""

I nodded slowly. That makes sense.

"Okay, maybe your right about that. BUT Marsha wouldn't have the bravery to go and prank us."

"Maybe Lily Oswin is Chrysalis." Remus added in.

We both turned to him, our eyes widened.

"Oh my Merlin Remus, your right!"

I stood up and banged on the table. Everyone's eyes turned to me.


Everyone turned to Oswin as I sat down. She was bombarded with question and she looked around, confused.

"I'm not Chrysalis Adams - she's my idol,, yes, but I'm not her."

"Who else could it be, though? You love pranking, you have red hair-"

"And I'm also Lily Oswin. My surname isn't Adams and my name isn't Chrysalis."

Everyone now turned to Evans.

"Once again, I have no interest in pranking."

Marsha smiled and now everyone's eyes were on her.

"I said it already, I'm not that Chrissy Adams girl-"
"It's Chrysalis!" A girl's voice exclaimed.

Marsha turned and her eyes widened.


That girl looked exactly like Chrysalis Adams.

A/N: Credit to CisquexLily for Lily Oswin. Apparently there's a few dirty secrets going around in Hogwarts.. Who is this girl, who happens to look exactly like Chrysalis Adams? See if you can guess..

The Prankster (Marauders Era Harry Potter)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن