something about wishes and solomons

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There is this hole that seems to not be filled when you find out that the guys you turned down got married earlier than you and you my friend is still single ... I mean me ! It's a whole filled with regrets, what have I done escapedes and most of all wishes that never came true even when they were were the truest in reality.

So here is cheers to what I wish I did : I wish I had said yes and maybe I would be the wife of your youth, I wish I never said no and rocked your boat ! I wish you were the one , I wish I didn't let you walk away and even tried to make you stay ... I wish I allowed you to be with me and not walk away ! I wish my eyes was open to the love you showed but I was too soaked in my own world to not see you... But most of all I wish you well ! I really do and am no deserving you are !

So to all the boys I have loved before just like in the movies , the boys who are men who followed their heart and loved me and saw me for who I am but I didn't ... I love you now and I wish you the best life offers ... I wish I did loved you then maybe there wouldn't be a diary of a single lady now but a married woman !

So to me I wish you find all that you desire and love and be loved in return in a million folds more ... So cheers readers . If you are still single and a guy cliams to love you and is killing himself I mean doing everything possible for you to see him please do stay to listen and try , he might be your hero don't loose the dull gold for a Solomon ... You might regret it , think about it .

I mean I do regret it and if you ask me why didn't you say yes ... Not even a justifiable claim can attain it . Am a stupid loyal lover but at times am just not realistic and keep missing it , this time I lost a Solomon literarily because of expectations that are insane but I pray I meet my own king who I would love , who will see me , know me and love me a billion folds... Who wouldn't spare a day , seconds or minutes without hearing my voice ... I want a love that is genuine , peaceful and full ... A love that covers everything about me ! An insane love that even a touch is a puzzle of our heart ! A man who wouldn't dare to see my tears but my smiles ... Who understands what I need when I need it and how I need it ! That's my kind of love ! But does that man exist ?

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