Jeff went pale in the face, he should've been the one in handcuff's right now...why did Liu do that? Jeff was crying uncontrollably for the whole night after wards. He refused to eat dinner then breakfast the next morning.

Jeff finally made it to school and sat down, wishing his brother was beside him right now, as he was thinking a young girl sat next to him. Jeff looked her up and down, the girl finally spoke up "I know what you did...your right Randy should be the one in juvie right now" Jeff rolled his eyes "You think I don't know that? who the hell are you anyway" The girl thought for a moment, thinking should she share her name, "Jane....Jane Richardson. You are?" Jeff looked down "Jeffery Hodek, I prefer Jeff though. Jane smiled a little "Wanna be friends?" Jeff debated for a seconds before saying "Yeah I guess so, I don't really have anyone else" They spent the rest of the day talking and hanging out, Jeff was still upset about Liu but he appreciated having someone who actually knew what happened understand him. They walked home together and parted their ways when they reached each others house's, luckily they live across each other. When Jeff came in his mother went to him straight away, "Hello my perfect boy!" His mother was going through an episode after loosing Liu. "Uh....hey mom" Jeff said as he took his hood down and put his coat on the hanger. "I was talking to Cindy, our neighbour and her 8 year old son Billy is having a birthday party tomorrow and you're invited!" Jeff's face dropped in disgust "Mom, ew I'm like 16" His mother pleaded before Jeff finally agreed to go to keep his mother happy. That night Jeff couldn't sleep a wink, he was thinking of when he stabbed Randy and the rush of adrenaline that ran through him, a smile pasted onto his face when he remembered the screams he left out. He sat up quickly "What the hell is wrong with me! Jesus Christ!.." Jeff quickly curled up in his bed and shut his eyes tightly and forced himself to sleep.

The next morning Jeff put on a pair of jeans and a nice shirt for the party, he walked next door and was immediately surrounded by kids who were screaming and hyped up on sugar, 2 hours into the party Jeff heard that same wheels on concrete and immediately froze up. The three boys hopped the wall with guns, the kids were stupidly unsupervised and let run free. Jeff stepped back a little in fear. "awww look boys, now that we got guns the big boy is a scaredy cat now" The other two laughed. They ran at Jeff and started beating him up, Jeff curled up in a ball and started to cry, the metal of there rings cutting him and making him bleed, he saw a metal pipe from the corner of his eye. He grabbed it and started to attack back with the pipe making the two other boys stand back leaving randy left. Jeff backed himself up into a corner by accident, he gripped the metal pipe harder before Randy stepped forward, "Your surrounded chump, give up." Jeff's breath got heavier as he saw the two other boys stand beside Randy, one holding a can of gasoline. "" Jeff said while starting to cry, he was completely defenceless. Randy laughed mercilessly, the little children screaming for their parents. One of the boys dump gasoline and the last thing Jeff saw was Randy throwing a lit match at his drenched body.

All he saw were flames engulfing him as he left out screams of horror as he tried to run away. He failed as he fell to the ground, scratching and patting his body to make the pain stop. Adults finally came out and screamed in terror as he saw the body screaming and crying in pain and terror and the 3 bullies standing back in horror of what they've done. They didn't mean to go this far. Jeff's last sight was his mother trying to run to his aid.

Jeff woke up from a 6 month coma, his first sight from the terror from before was the clean white hospital room. "Oh my baby.." Jeff's mother said, cleaning her eyes with the small tissue she had in her hand. The doctor hovered over Jeff, "Are you ready to take the bandages sir?" Jeff looked up at him, everything was happening so quickly he didn't know what to say but just nod. The doctor slowly removed the bandages and Jeff's mother hid herself in Jeff's fathers chest while starting to sob uncontrollably, Liu in the corner wincing and looking away not being able to look. Jeff was handed a mirror as he looked at himself in shock, he threw the mirror in horror and left his face. It practically left like leather, it was red and also rough, there was patches still severally burnt. He looked like a monster. To quickly stop Jeff from getting upset Liu went over to him straight away. "H-hey Jeff!...Jane got me out...she told everyone the truth!.." Liu said in a panicked tone desperately trying to cheer Jeff up. Jeff started to cry "I'm...I'm a monster.." He hid his face in his hands while sobbing uncontrollably, Liu slowly leaned over and hugged him tightly, feeling horrible and guilty that he left Jeff alone.

A week later Jeff was discharged from hospital, He didn't speak ever since he saw himself, he refused to look in any mirrors or do anything. It was late at night when he was discharged and was sent to bed straight away. Jeff laid in bed as his mother kissed his forehead, "Goodnight my angel.." she said quietly before she left the room. The house went silent soon after, the whole house was asleep, Jeff was wide awake. Suddenly, that same rush came back to him as he started to smile, "Hah...hahah...imagine if I killed them.." He said quietly to himself. "In...cold...raw...murder.." A smile carved onto his face as he felt his cheeks. An idea popped into his head as he ran down to the kitchen and took out the biggest kitchen knife they had and he walked to the bathroom. Finally facing his reflection in the mirror, he painted himself in pure white face paint that he found in the kitchen cabinet that's mainly for Halloween. He looked at himself with the big enlarged smile on his face. He grabbed the knife and started to cut his cheeks open, blood poured into the sink, staining the sink and counter in pure fresh blood. Tears formed in Jeff's eyes, the pain was unbearable. He left his cheeks again, the blood covering his hands, "I'm...I'm beautiful." He smiled again before he eyes started to close. "Oh no no no eyes!" He cut his eyelids off, he whined in pain as he smiled again, blood pouring down his face and neck to the sink and counters. "Now...oh now...I can see myself forever...My beautiful, perfect face!" He said as he started to laugh hysterically. His mother stepped into the bathroom, "Jeff what are you.." she screamed in horror as she saw the destruction Jeff did to his face. "Mom" He said calmly while smiling, "Am I beautiful?" His mother stood there shaking, "Y....Yes dear...beautiful. Let me get dad he'll want to see!.." She ran out the bathroom and straight to her bedroom, failing to realize Jeff followed behind her. "Peter! Peter!? Where's our gun!?" she shouted before freezing as she heard a creek by the bedroom door. Jeff looked betrayed, " want to kill me.." She looked at him in fear as Jeff's father held the gun at Jeff. "Dad...? You too..?" Jeff's dad also looked frightened. A rush of anger ran through Jeff as he threw the knife straight into his fathers skull, his mother screamed out in fear. "Peter!? No!? You monster!?" Jeff yanked the knife out of his deceased fathers skull, He slowly looked at his mother and the smile formed on his face again "Don't worry mom, soon you will look just like me. Beautiful!" He wedged the knife into her stomach and twisted it, she went to scream but Jeff grabbed her neck, "Shhh...shhh....go to sleep.." was the last words she heard as her son choked her out and stabbed her 20 times. He carved the same smiles he had into their faces and stabbed out there eyelids. He propped them in bed as if they were asleep, there grey eyes staring into nothing as they slowly rolled back. Jeff smiled at the sight as he slowly went upstairs to Liu's room. Liu who was laying in bed terrified over the scene he overheard downstairs, Jeff stood ominously at his doorway. "Hey...Jeff, you....okay?" Jeff slowly walked in and sat the end of his bed. "Liu...Am I beautiful?" Liu nodded as quickly as he could. Jeff smiled "Don't worry soon you'll look just like me!" Jeff stabbed Liu in the chest and continuously stabbed him and craved a smile into his face before hearing police sirens coming, he quickly ran to his back yard and ran away swiftly from the police.

A couple days later Jane and her family fell victim to the new killer "Jeff the killer", Jane and Liu from that day made it their life goal to take Jeff down. Legend says Jeff still roams free from the police.

The End

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