Possible Danger

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Blade Pov
I laid next to Sythe as she polish her weapon, Purple moon. She loved that thing but not more than me, sometimes I get jealous of it she pays so much attention to it. But anyway me and Sythe was at a hotel a special one for weird people and killers. They don't care as long as you pay the rent on time every month. It was a okay place until a rapist tried to rape Sythe, lets just say that he's not around anymore.

Sythe still have nightmares, it hurts me to see her try to sleep alone. She says that it's weird to sleep with your cousin. She don't realize how much I worry for her. And what did Jeff mean when he said that others need their help. Does that mean the me and Sythe are in danger.

I paled slight at the thought of Sythe getting hurt, she loose control at that point. And loosing another kidney isn't worth it (Um...Blade can regrow his organs and body parts).
Sythe Pov
I looked up after polishing Purple Moon, it was silently begging me to stain it red. I glanced over at Blade he was lost in thought as usual, but this time he seems distress. I put Purple Moon on the wall and walked over to Blade. He was paler than usual, maybe he was think about what happen a few hours ago. I wonder what they were talking about before I came.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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