The Mattews

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I was woken up by a noise. I was asleep on the chair in Riley's living room. My dad was on the couch. "Dad, can you get the door." I said to Shawn. "You do it." He mumbled.

I got up and answered the door to see four people standing outside.
Then I heard footsteps behind me. "My brother." Cory said. "My brother." The boy said back. "Who is that gorgeous Blonde?" The boy asked. "Hey step off my daughter, Josh!" Shawn snapped. "Wait, you have a pretty daughter?!" Josh asked. "Gee, when you put it like that, it upsets me." I mumbled. "No, not like that, just Shawn, you have a daughter?" "Yeah. I do." Shawn said. "Okay enough you two." Amy Matthews said. "Sometimes, you boys may not be brothers, but you need to be more respective of what Dylan thinks." Amy said introducing herself. Then Alan Matthews did the same. "Nice to meet the family," Then the door rang. "Now I must get the door, you don't mind a couple of my friends over do you Matthews?" "Nope." everyone said. Before I answered the door, I eyed the girl who was busy texting on her iPhone 6. "Morgan." she said. I shrugged then answered the door.
"Chloe! James!" I said jumping up and down. "Dylan!!" They said jumping up and down with me. "I never thought I'd see three teenagers jumping up and down because their friends were here." Shawn said. "Agreed." Everyone else said.

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