My Father, Finally

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After about five minutes Mr. Matthews started asking me a lot of questions.

"How old are you Dylan?"

" I am 15, I was held back in fifth grade."

"What is wrong with Angela?"

"Breast Cancer sir. For 14 years."

"You mean that's why she left?"

"Yes, and she was a month pregnant with me. Anymore questions?"

I was inside the Matthews house. Waiting on someone. "So your Angela Moore's Daughter?" Tapanga Matthews asked me. "Yes ma'm." I said.
Riley and her friends were staring at me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing!" They all said turning away.

After about two hours, someone walked through the door. "Shawn!" Cory yelled giving the man a hug. Shawn, Shawn Hunter. My mother always talked about how much she loved him.

"Hey Cory. Who's the kid." Shawn asked.
Everyone grew quiet. "You don't think I look like two people you know?" I asked upset. Shawn shook his head, no. "Shawn Hunters, right?" I asked walking up close. "yeah..." I took a picture from my book bag and showed it to him. "How do you know Angela?!" Shawn asked half snapping at me. Then I took me phone out. There it was. A picture of me, and my mother. "Shawn, she's my mother." Shawn looked up. Tears came in my eyes. "Dylan?" Shawn said. "Dad!" I said giving him a big hug. He hugged me back. Tears ran down both of our faces. "Your mother and I talked about naming our child Dylan because it worked both ways." Shawn said trying to not sound upset. Dad and I sat on the couch, Intel Tapanga called us to dinner. Tomorrow, I meet all of the Matthews.

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